National Priorities for the Environment in Israel – Position Paper II

This second report is divided to 3 parts: Part I: follow-up, examination, critique and updates of issues discussed in the first report. Part II: Expanded Discussions: Agriculture and Environment, Sea and Coasts. Part III: overviews: Economy and Administration, Environmental Education and Public Participation.
National Priorities for the Environment in Israel – Position Paper I

Environmental quality in Israel requires urgent action and numerous emphases. We are in a position where the air we breathe is, in many cases, polluted way above standards, sickness and mortality, caused by environmental pollutants are today a common occurrence and there are thousands of such cases. In some areas in the country environmental diseases […]
Technology innovation process: Does Israel have competitive advantage in kmowledge-based products?

Professor Daniel Weihs: This study — a technometric study of comparative advantage in selected high-technology industries in Israel – was funded by the German-Israel Foundation. Its director, Dr. Amnon Barak, will attend this symposium. This project is a good example of the kind of research that the GIF can and should support. It resulted in […]
A Technometric Analysis of Comparative Advantage in Selected High-Technology Industries in Israel, Final Report, Vol. I
Final Report of a research project: “Analyzing the Competitive Advantage of Israeli High-Tech Industries”. The research applied the Technometric Method developed at the Fraunhofer Institute in Karlsruhe, Germany, for comparing the technological level of industries among countries. The Research project undertaken at the Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology at the […]
A Technometric Analysis of Comparative Advantage in Selected High-Technology Industries in Israel, Final Report, Vol. II

Final Report of a research project: “Analyzing the Competitive Advantage of Israeli High-Tech Industries”. The research applied the Technometric Method developed at the Fraunhofer Institute in Karlsruhe, Germany, for comparing the technological level of industries among countries. The Research project undertaken at the Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology at the […]
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Civilian Space Applications

The beginnings of European cooperation in space and outline the purpose and structure of ESA. Discuss the objectives of Europe’s space programme and describe the successes and future plans of European space policy. Over the past thirty years, Europe has made substantial progress in developing its capability in space research and technology alongside the USA […]
The Program for Neighborhood Renewal – The Great Experiment and its Conclusions

The Program for Neighborhood Renewal – The Great Experiment and its Conclusions. The Program for Neighborhood Renewal, the leading social project of the eighties, was an extraordinary, and the largest of its kind in the Western world. A project that not only hoped to bring changes to neighborhoods, but also to the workings of government ministries, the […]
The Diagnostics Industry in Israel, Evaluating the Technological Level Using the Technometric System

The object of this research is to evaluate the level of Israel’s diagnostic industry and its products in comparison to the products of industries in leading countries in the western world: Germany, U.S.A. and Japan. The work was based on a field survey conducted in all diagnostic industries in Israel. The comparison of data to […]
The Plastics Industry in Israel – Current Economic Status and Future Alternate Economic Outlook

This study is part of an investigation carried out by the Samuel Neaman Institute on the future Alternatives of the Plastics and Polymers industries in Israel. A previous study “The Polymer Industry in Israel and the World” was prepared by H.D. Frenkel, and was published by the Samuel Neaman Institute in November 1990. The objective […]
Plastic Materials: Markets and Technology by Global Region

The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology is conducting a comprehensive research on “Alternatives for the Advancement of Plastics and Polymer Industries in Israel”. The project includes three main stages: a. Data gathering on the state of the polymer and plastics industry in Israel and abroad from a technological, marketing and […]