Technion’s Contribution to the Israeli Economy through its Graduates

Investment in human capital at Technion generates a 76-197 per cent social rate of return, at least, or in absolute terms, some $35-$60 b. for 50 graduating classes. The annual output of Technion graduates in high-tech industries and computer services, communications and Research & Development is estimated at a minimum of $21 b. The median […]
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting and Registration System in Israel: Summary of Reports for 2012

42 companies and organizations reported greenhouse gas emissions in 2012 to the Ministry of Environmental Protection. The voluntary reporting represents about 68 % from the national inventory emissions. Each of the reporting companies, enclosed a signed statement regarding the reliability of the data, as required by the Reporting and Registration System, which was developed in […]
Towards Mapping National Innovation Ecosystem: Israel’s Innovation ecosystem

In this working paper, we describe Israel’s innovation ecosystem. As a country widely described as the Start-Up Nation (Senor & Singer, 2011), there is considerable interest in the system and forces that drive Israel’s vigorous entrepreneurship. We begin by presenting the key anchors and processes of Israeli innovation that emerged from the Experts Workshop, along […]
Excellence Evaluations of the Universities in Israel – Approaches, Issues and Achievments

The object of this study is to examine various aspects associated with excellence evaluations of the Universities in Israel. Quantitative, qualitative and combined approaches are presented. Advantages, drawbacks and issues concerned with applications are discussed. Achievements of the universities in Israel, according to various measures, indicators and data bases are presented. A review of international […]
Trust in the institutions and pride in Israel’s achievements in the first decade of 2000

This report brings the results of three surveys of public opinion that were held in the years 2003, 2006, and 2009 on basis of statistical samples that represent the population of mature persons ( above 18 ) in Israel. The surveys are destined to examine the Israeli public opinion about two subjects: A). The degree […]
The Neaman Document -A study on Israeli Public Diplomacy; A Joint Project of the Samuel Neaman Institute, Technion And the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel.

The decision to conduct a research project in order to present recommendations for Israel public diplomacy (PD) policy relies on the premise that even though there is continuous concern with the subject by government agencies and others in the field, there is from time to time a need to update contents and methods, target groups, […]
Reclaiming the Dead Sea, Alternatives for Action
The Dead Sea, the lowest and saltiest sea in the world, is currently in a state of severe environmental degradation. Water extraction from the Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee, and the Yarmouk River for Israel, Jordan, and Syria, as well as the extraction of Dead Sea water for industrial plants in Israel and Jordan, […]
Modern Jewish Identities and the State of Israel
Is it possible to produce a significant attitude, in which the multiplicity of identities in the State of Israel will be productive and fertile, rather than one that necessarily fosters tension and destructive inner conflict within the state? This question stands at the heart of this article, which argues that the State of Israel is […]
The Jewish People Today: Between Necessity and Freedom
This essay is dedicated to dealing with two basic questions: the first focuses on the swift changes that have occurred in our time in the status of the nation and its state – from one of necessity to one of liberty, from determinism to voluntarism, from enforced identity to chosen identity – and the expected ramifications upon […]
Comments on National Governance
This paper focuses on the various issues that interfere with the course of public life. The dispute over the future of the “territories” engulfs into it nearly all other issues relating to our public experience, including questions of religion and state, as well as our attitude towards the Arab minority. The IDF has been transformed, […]