for Progress

The Development of the Israeli Research Universities

The Israeli research universities were influenced by some major academic cultures. Over the years, the universities played a central role in the economical social and cultural development of Israel. In this study, major developments events and processes over the last decades are described. During these years, the universities gained high academic reputation and contributed significantly […]

Research Standing of Israeli Universities by Quantitative Indicators

This study deals with evaluation of the research standing, of Israeli Universities, by quantitative indicators. Data of publications and citation indices, as well as the results of International University ratings, are presented. The results show the relative output and quality of research, in various areas, in Israel and at the Universities.

Adaptation to climate change in the local authorities

ICCIC team prepared a report on adaptation policy recommendations for local authorities in Israel. Climate change is expected to affect the water sector in the State of Israel, the health of residents, the existence of biodiversity and ecosystems supplying ecological services, urban climate and our energy consumption in homes and the communities where we live. […]

The energy forum at Samuel Neaman Institute at the Technion led by Prof. Gershon Grossman examined the profitability of oil shale utilization in Israel

Lack of orderly approval process for various proposed projects for oil shale mining and utilization as a source for producing liquid fuels, and lack of coordination between relevant ministries – a significant problem of regulation – constitute an extreme burden on entrepreneurs interested in operating in this field in Israel. This is the main conclusion reached […]