The Way to Integration
This report includes Policy Recommendations in several areas related to Haredi Integration: Determining Fiscal Policy, Education and Training, routes into the Labour Market, and Military & Civil Service. The actions suggested should serve to broaden the integration of the Haredi population into the Israeli economy.
EMC Studies – a Report
This report includes an analysis of the gap existing in the Haredi Education curriculum due to the lack of three subjects: English, Math, Computers. The report then presents 4 Policy Recommendations aimed at the integration of these subjects into the Haredi educational system.
Ultra-Orthodox Youth: Status Assessment for 2011 and Three Possible Scenarios for 2021

This study was solicited for a special panel on Ultra-Orthodox youth, presented at the Caesarea Forum in June 2011. It includes a review of the U-O society since the establishment of the State of Israel, a description of obstacles in integrating this sector in the labor market and it delineates new paths of possible U-O […]
Road Map – A National Program to Promote the Integration of the Ultra-Orthodox Population in the Israeli Economy

The “Road Map” is an off-shoot of the “Israel 2028 : Vision and Strategy for Economy and Society in a Global World” report. Its goal is to outline solutions for one of the major problems concerning the Israeli economy that is identified in the report: the low rate of participation of the Ultra-Orthodox community in […]