The energy forum at Samuel Neaman Institute at the Technion led by Prof. Gershon Grossman examined the profitability of oil shale utilization in Israel

Lack of orderly approval process for various proposed projects for oil shale mining and utilization as a source for producing liquid fuels, and lack of coordination between relevant ministries – a significant problem of regulation – constitute an extreme burden on entrepreneurs interested in operating in this field in Israel. This is the main conclusion reached […]
Global challenges for the water industry in oil and gas production

This report reviews the oil and gas production industry with the purpose of describing the role of water in the production process. It is focused on water management, and water treatment for reuse/recycle or authorized emission to the environment. This is a first among seven reports reviewing water in seven global industrial sectors. Serving the […]
Needs and priorities in the Haifa bay development towards a balanced prosperity

During February 2011, a workshop was held at Samuel Neaman Institute in cooperation with the Kishon River Authority, with the purpose to define the major issues for the development and prosperity of the Haifa bay area, and identify the correct balance between them, and by doing so achieving the goal of long term planning and […]
Estimated supply and demand of manpower in the infrastructure engineering
In recent years there is a noticeable shortage in the construction and infrastructure engineering manpower. The shortage is felt more in infrastructure and less in the building. In infrastructure, particularly noticeable shortage of roles in project implementation, which are the most difficult and demanding. Supply side, the number of civil engineering graduates is lower than […]
A sustainable vision versus a sprawling reality? The Urban sprawl Pattern in Israel
Urban sprawl is a form of spatial development, characterized by low densities, scattered and discontinuous “leapfrog” expansion, and segregation of land uses, that is mainly found in open and rural lands on the edge of metropolitan areas. The early stage of urban sprawl, often referred as suburbanization, started at the end of the industrial era […]
Italian-Israeli Binational Conference on Natural Gas

In November 1995 an agreement for cooperation between the Technion and the Politechnico di Milano was signed. In addition to agreeing to encourage student and faculty exchanges and joint research, we also agreed to attempt to encourage cooperation between Italian and Israeli industry. The first fruit of this effort was the Binational Conference on Natural […]
The Aeronautic Infrastructure in Arab Countries

The report presents the development of aeronautical infrastructure in the Arab countries. First an overview of the aeronautical industry and research institutes in Arab countries is presented. It includes various industries, products, history of the organizations and if available also future planes. The aeronautical relations with other countries are discussed, especially in connection with future […]
Applications and Development Trends in Plastics for Packaging, Agriculture and Construction

Israel’s future, security and prosperity depend on economic independence. Israel’s industry, especially the export industry, must be the central and decisive driving force toward economic independence. Industry can show some impressive achievements, but more significant growth is needed to reach economic independence. The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology began a […]
A Retrospective View of Israel’s ‘Project Renewal’ – Lessons for Planning for New Immigrants in the 1990’s

Israel’s “Project Renewal” is one of the most ambitious programs for neighborhood regeneration in the world in terms of scale and scope. At its apex in the mid-1980’s Project Renewal encompassed ninety neighborhoods. In small Israel, this has meant that most cities and eligible towns had at least one neighborhood in the project, and that […]