for Progress

Energy Forum 43: Breaking Israel’s energy isolation

The Israeli energy market has unique characteristics. One of its main problems is that the state is isolated from its neighbors in terms of energy supply and export, making it a kind of “energy island.” This applies to various fuels, such as natural gas, and to electricity: the state provides itself with electricity and is […]

Feasibility of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) waste treatment facilities in Israel

Construction of waste treatment facilities by Public and Private partnerships (PPP) in Israel The study, carried out as part of a research grant for the local authorities – the National Lottery and the Local Authorities Center examines the factors that hinder the creation of waste management plants in Israel, and in particular, whether the establishment […]

National policy in the area of Construction

National plan in the area of construction intended to leverage the expected huge scale of residential building construction for technological enhancement of the construction industry to improve the productivity, reduce the dependence on foreign workers and develop opportunities for employment of Israelis.

Evaluating the Infrastructure Program of the Science and Technology Ministry

The Scientific Infrastructure Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology was launched in 1995 in an attempt to bridge the gap between basic and applied research. The program is targeted in stimulating the “maturity phase” of potential applied technologies. Moving basic research towards an applied research track may encourage more efficient utilization of the […]

Mapping of National Research Infrastructures in Israel: updated mapping of Israel research infrastructures and international research infrastructures, which are used by Israeli researchers

The following is a summary of additional research conducted by the Samuel Neaman Institute following research conducted in 2010 “Mapping of Research Infrastructures in Israel” The purpose of the latter was to compile a database which would constitute the basis for a road map setting out the establishment of National Research Infrastructures in Israel.   […]

Oil Shale Occurrences in Israel – Geological Updated information

Oil shale occurrences underlie about 15% of Israel’s land surface. The geological reserves (rocks with at least 7% total organic carbon) are estimated to exceed 370 billion tons. The potential yield of shale oil is more than 30 billion tons, with an average grade supposed to be ~20 G/T.  Most of the deposits are close […]