for Progress

The Plastics Industry in Israel – Status Report

Israel’s future, security and prosperity depend on economic independence. Israel’s industry, especially the export industry, must be the central and decisive driving force toward economic independence. Industry can show some impressive achievements, but more significant growth is needed to reach economic independence. The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology began a […]

Applications and Development Trends in Plastics for Packaging, Agriculture and Construction

Israel’s future, security and prosperity depend on economic independence. Israel’s industry, especially the export industry, must be the central and decisive driving force toward economic independence. Industry can show some impressive achievements, but more significant growth is needed to reach economic independence. The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology began a […]

Agroplastics – A Market Analysis

Israel’s future, security and prosperity depend on economic independence. Israel’s industry, especially the export industry, must be the central and decisive driving force toward economic independence. Industry can show some impressive achievements, but more significant growth is needed to reach economic independence. The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology began a […]

Polymers and Plastics in Israel – Final Report

Israel’s future, security and prosperity depend on economic independence. Israel’s industry, especially the export industry, must be the central and decisive driving force toward economic independence. Industry can show some impressive achievements, but more significant growth is needed to reach economic independence. The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology began a […]

The European Common Market in 1992: Positions and Perspectives on the Plastics and Polymer Industry

Due to expected implications considering the unifying of the European market, it was decided to survey attitudes and perceptions among companies in the plastics and polymers industry, that engaged exporting. Our goal was to examine the industry’s awareness of this development, it’s preparation, and learn about the steps needed to accelerate this deployment by the government, industry and […]

Plastic Materials: Markets and Technology by Global Region

The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology is conducting a comprehensive research on “Alternatives for the Advancement of Plastics and Polymer Industries in Israel”. The project includes three main stages: a. Data gathering on the state of the polymer and plastics industry in Israel and abroad from a technological, marketing and […]