Interim Report of the Investigatory Team on the State of the Chemical Industry in Israel at the Beginning of the 21st Century
The aim of this work is to survey the state of the chemical industry in Israel today and the alternatives for its future development and to recommend formulation of a national policy in this field. This work complements and updates the chemical industry survey conducted and distributed by the Samuel Neaman Institute in 1995, by […]
The Impact of R&D Spillover on Growth and Productivity in Israeli Manufacturing Industries 1990-1994, Science, Technology and the Economy Program (STE) – Working Papers Series STE-WP-14
The study presents the positive external effects (spillovers) of investments in research and development in manufacturing industries, in Israel and abroad. This examination quantifies the spillover of domestic and imported technologies, through intermediates and capital goods, to establishments that did not participate directly in the research and development process. The analysis examines the interactions between […]
Electronics 2000: (Stage 3) Identifying Areas and Topics of Interest
The project was initiated by the Union of Electronic Industries in Israel and the Samuel Neaman Institute at the Technion. The aim of the project was to identify future projects for joint development by Israel’s electronic industries, which will maintain Israel’s competitive ability in relation to its competitors across the sea. A field survey was […]
Conceiving New Industrial Systems: The Different Emergence Paths of the High-Technology Industry in Israel and Ireland, Science, Technology and the Economy Program (STE) – Working Papers Series STE-WP-11
In the last decade, both Israel and Ireland have been on the forefront of a successful double revolution. In the international arena, the two small states have been the hotbeds of new technology based firms (NTBF) that establish themselves in global markets in the area of software and information technology, making the two states successful […]
Cooperation and Competition in R&D with Uncertainty & Spillovers, Science, Technology and the Economy Program STE-WP-6
In a general setting with uncertainty and spillovers in R&D activity, we consider the incentive to cooperate among firms at any or all of the following three stages. Firms can jointly agree on the level of R&D expenditures, they can set up joint research facilities, and/or they can engage in an information sharing agreements, by […]
Targeting Industries for Regional Development in Israel and in Germany – A Comparative Study, SNI R&D Policy Papers Series
Economic growth is driven to a large extent by technological progress and innovation. It is therefore essential for effective public policy to identify the group of innovative industries so that policy makers will be able to target government incentive programs toward this specific group of industries. In the present study we assumed that innovation is […]
University Technology Transfer in Israel: Evaluation of Projects and Determinants of Success – SNI R&D Policy Papers Series
The purpose of this study is to examine how technology transfer organizations (TTOs) at Israeli universities evaluate projects and how they perceive the success or failure of these projects once they are selected. We also analyze whether the criteria they use are similar to those employed by venture capitalists and MIT. We find that the […]
Spatial Diffusion of Industrial Innovation and Regional Development
A new horizon of the history of mankind opened at the end of the 20th century. Facing the new picture of the world, arising out of the growth of the technological culture, everything has to be thought about from now on, from assumptions of values, through principles of deed, to details of execution. The enormous, […]
The Role of the Institute for Ceramics and Silicates
In the framework of the Government’s policy to encourage R&D activity, the office of the Chief Scientist in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce supports about 7 research centers, among them the Israel Ceramics and Silicate Institute. During the last few years this support was expressed in the following subjects: Direct funding of infrastructure research […]
A Technometric Analysis of Comparative Advantage in Selected High-Technology Industries in Israel, Final Report, Vol. I
Final Report of a research project: “Analyzing the Competitive Advantage of Israeli High-Tech Industries”. The research applied the Technometric Method developed at the Fraunhofer Institute in Karlsruhe, Germany, for comparing the technological level of industries among countries. The Research project undertaken at the Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology at the […]