Unique Characteristics in the Development of the Technion – Academic Excellence, National Contribution, Managerial Culture

An attempt has been made, to understand how the Technion has succeeded to become a renown technological research University, and at the same time – to play unprecedented role in the development of Israel. Unique Characteristics that have been developed over the years are discussed – the academic culture, the managerial culture, the national contribution […]
EMC Studies – a Report
This report includes an analysis of the gap existing in the Haredi Education curriculum due to the lack of three subjects: English, Math, Computers. The report then presents 4 Policy Recommendations aimed at the integration of these subjects into the Haredi educational system.
Technion’s Contribution to the Israeli Economy through its Graduates

Investment in human capital at Technion generates a 76-197 per cent social rate of return, at least, or in absolute terms, some $35-$60 b. for 50 graduating classes. The annual output of Technion graduates in high-tech industries and computer services, communications and Research & Development is estimated at a minimum of $21 b. The median […]
A comparative study on the scientific and technological research in Israel and some middle eastern countries, using quantitative indicators, second ed

The study presents a comparative examination of the development process of scientific and technological research that has taken place in the Middle East, especially in the more advanced countries, and in Israel. The data presented are based on two main indices: the number of publications and the average citations per publication. The data indicate that […]
Towards Mapping National Innovation Ecosystem: Israel’s Innovation ecosystem

In this working paper, we describe Israel’s innovation ecosystem. As a country widely described as the Start-Up Nation (Senor & Singer, 2011), there is considerable interest in the system and forces that drive Israel’s vigorous entrepreneurship. We begin by presenting the key anchors and processes of Israeli innovation that emerged from the Experts Workshop, along […]
A comparative study on the scientific and technological research in Israel and some middle eastern countries, using quantitative indicators

The study presents a comparative examination of the development process of scientific and technological research that has taken place in the Middle East, especially in the more advanced countries, and in Israel. The data presented are based on two main indices: the number of publications and the average citations per publication. The data indicate that […]
Ultra-Orthodox Youth: Status Assessment for 2011 and Three Possible Scenarios for 2021

This study was solicited for a special panel on Ultra-Orthodox youth, presented at the Caesarea Forum in June 2011. It includes a review of the U-O society since the establishment of the State of Israel, a description of obstacles in integrating this sector in the labor market and it delineates new paths of possible U-O […]
Estimated supply and demand of manpower in the infrastructure engineering
In recent years there is a noticeable shortage in the construction and infrastructure engineering manpower. The shortage is felt more in infrastructure and less in the building. In infrastructure, particularly noticeable shortage of roles in project implementation, which are the most difficult and demanding. Supply side, the number of civil engineering graduates is lower than […]
Human Resources for Science and Technology in Israel – Selected Topics (summery)

Human Resources for Science and Technology in Israel – Selected Topics (Part B)
The goal of this project, which is operating under the auspices of the Samuel Neaman Institute and the National Council for Civil Research & Development (MOLMOP) is to present data on the science and technology human resources in Israel. During 2007, a first report was submitted, including data base on the supply and demand for […]