Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Smart Robotics Companies-Survey
The aim of the project is to present an up-to-date and complete picture of the current activities in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Smart Robotics in Israel, and to examine the possibilities of promoting these fields. This survey answers a number of research questions. Some of the questions deal with issues of […]
Artifcial Intelligence, Data Science and Smart Robotics Companies-Survey summary

The aim of the project is to present an up-to-date and complete picture of the current activities in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Smart Robotics in Israel, and to examine the possibilities of promoting these fields. This survey answers a number of research questions. Some of the questions deal with issues of […]
21st Century Engineering Education Forum: Insights, Methods of Action and Paradigm Changes

Review and critical analysis of trends and challenges in engineering education, globally and in Israel, especially with regards to knowledge and skills, establishment of Forum for Engineering Education with participation of all of the stake holders (universities, colleges, government and regulators, high-tech industry, traditional industry, young engineers and students) to resolve required paradigm shifts and […]
Improving the role of Counselors for Advancement of Women’s Status in academia in achieving better gender representation

The role of women advancement and gender fair consultants was established as part of a policy of reducing representation gaps in Israel. The position currently exists in public bodies such as government ministries, local authorities, the IDF and the police, and in higher education institutions. This position paper has critically examined the role of university […]
Technological forecasting for scientific and technological human resources

This study was conducted as part of a four-year tender for the National Council for Research and Development in the Ministry of Science and Technology. The objective of this study is to execute forecasts of the needs of scientific and technological personnel for selected fields / professions (for example: chemistry, robotics, nanotechnology, cyber protection) for […]
Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Smart Robotics- A report on Ethics, Law and Privacy
The report reviews the new challenges posed by the recent developments in the field of artificial intelligence, data science and smart robotics, and examines how international organizations, countries and industrial companies are dealing with them.
Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Smart Robotics- First report summary
The aim of the project is to present an up-to-date and complete picture of the current activities in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Smart Robotics in Israel, and to examine the possibilities of promoting these fields. Extensive work was carried out to define areas of research, survey and map activities in Israel, […]
Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Smart Robotics- First report
The aim of the project is to present an up-to-date and complete picture of the current activities in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Smart Robotics in Israel, and to examine the possibilities of promoting these fields. Extensive work was carried out to define areas of research, survey and map activities in Israel, […]
Israel Universities – Unique Aspects in a Changing World
This study is a comprehensive and up-to-date summary of previous studies carried out in the Neaman Institute. It combines Israeli unique aspects and global changes. The universities experience transition processes, and unprecedented integration of forces that threaten their future. The objects of this study are to present a wide view on current developments and issues, […]
Technological forecasting for scientific and technological human resources
The past two decades have been characterized by accelerated growth of new technologies in the fields of robotics, communications and information systems, nanotechnology, biotechnology, energy and more. Technologies that affect all areas of the economy (health, education, industry, agriculture, trade, etc.) and dictate new work patterns, new professions while others disappear and appropriate training and […]