Indicators for Benevolent Community

This report is the third part [following the report “Characterizing the term ‘Benevolent community’“and “Best Practices (and/or Intervention Programs) for Benevolent Community”]. in the project “Benevolent Community – for Social Mobility, Community Resilience, and Quality of Life – in the 21st Century”. The project is a joint venture of the (Israel) Joint-Ashalim, the Community Resources […]
Best Practices (and/or Intervention Programs) for Benevolent Community

This report is the third part (following the report “Characterizing the term ‘Benevolent community’ “ and ‘Indicators of Benevolent Community’) in the project “Benevolent Community – for Social Mobility, Community Resilience, and Quality of Life – in the 21st Century”. The project is a joint venture of the (Israel) Joint-Ashalim, the Community Resources Division in […]
Characterizing the term ‘Benevolent community’

This report is the first part – and a central component – in the project “Benevolent Community – for Social Mobility, Community Resilience, and Quality of Life – in the 21st Century”. The project is a joint venture of the (Israel) Joint-Ashalim, the Community Resources Division in the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs, and […]
Mapping Human Talent Requirements for Jerusalem’s Hi-Tech and Biomed Industries

The Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research, together with Jerusalem’s Development Authority, Jerusalem’s Municipality, the Social-Economic Forum, and the Employers Administration initiated a project for encouraging young candidates and discharged soldiers residing in Jerusalem, to live, study and work in the city. This project aims to contribute to Jerusalem’s economic and social development and […]
Technological forecasting for scientific and technological human resources- Mapping, Best practices, and Policy recommendation for multidisciplinary studies in Israel

In recent decades, the demand for employees with multidisciplinary higher education has increased. In recent years, the Samuel Neaman Institute has conducted studies on technological forecasting for scientific and technological human resources needs. It was concluded from our studies that to meet the emerging industries’ needs for human resources, it is necessary to expand and […]
Advancing the acquisition of competencies, knowledge, skills, values and attitudes in the education chain

In recent years, significant insights have emerged regarding education across its various components, spanning from early childhood education to academia. It is now widely recognized that the mere dissemination of knowledge is insufficient in the modern era. The imparting of skills and competencies has become a crucial mission of educational systems, higher education institutions, and […]
How to bring (more) Ultra-Orthodox students to science and technology studies? Summary of a Round Table meeting, 19.12.2021

Sixteen researchers, experts and relevant officials gathered on December 29, 2021, for a “Round Table” meeting at the Samuel Neaman Institute at the Technion to discuss the numerical scope we could expect of Ultra-Orthodox young men and women who would choose science and engineering studies in the Universities, and the effective ways to encourage these […]
Leadership and Academic Management in Institutions of Higher Education – Universities. Literature survey and in-depth interviews with officials

Institutions of higher education have faced many challenges in the last decade – competitiveness between academic institutions and with industry, competitive budgets and funding, technological changes and questions that arise regarding the relevance of academia in the world and in Israel. Institutions of higher education have faced many challenges in the last decade – competitiveness […]
‘Tal’s Law’ – Background, Challenges and Optional Solutions.

Following the unfortunate pass away of Judge Zvi Tal (22.6.2021), this is a concise report on the ‘Tal Law’, originally written in May 2012. Through the Tal Law and its two channels – the civic and the military – around 10,000 U-O youth enrolled into those service channels. In early 2012 the Supreme Court deliberated […]
Focused Repatriation. The Demography and the Social Processes in the Jewish Communities in the World

The Research analyzed the Demography and the Social Processes in the Jewish Communities in the World in order to point the Communities, which could have the best choices for successful absorption.