for Progress

Some evidence towards the path to Scientific Excellence

The scientific community is taking for granted as an axiom that academic freedom, free competition, free publication, mobility, peer review  etc. will lead to scientific excellence.  Is there any evidence for these assumptions and if so what are the preconditions for it to succeed? In this paper we will try to relate to some of […]

Perceptions of Technion Alumni and Students on Developing Their 21st Century Skills

21st century skills are essential for career readiness. We investigated the development of those skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) higher education, as reported by students and alumni of a top-tier research university. Involving senior management at the Institute, we designed a questionnaire aimed at investigating 14 skills and administered it to 1,578 participants. […]

Graduates of Israeli Universities MD- PhD Training Program

This research was commissioned by the Israel Medical Association, aiming to examine the opportunity of Israeli MD-PhD training program graduates to realize their research capabilities in accordance with their training. As part of the research, the integration of Israeli MD-PhD program graduates in the healthcare, academic, commercial and governmental sectors in the last two decades […]

Life Long Learning

Survey and analysis of trends developing in Israel and worldwide with regards to life long learning and proposal for a road map of a national plan

Chemistry education: Where are we headed?

In view of the decline in popularity of chemistry in high schools and the decrease in the number of teachers and schools in which chemistry is taught, the current research has examined trends in motivation and reasons for choosing a career in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, or chemical education and recommend ways to foster these […]

World University Rankings

The purpose of this work is to present an updated comparative view of world rankings of universities, and in particular – to examine the status of Israeli universities in these rankings. Various issues regarding prominent rating systems are discussed, including reviews, flaws, shortcomings, methodological issues, research impact, opinion-based surveys, geographical preferences and more. Updated results […]