for Progress

Survey of medical school graduates in Israel 1981-2000

The medical profession is undergoing major changes – it has become a multidisciplinary occupation requiring a wide variety of new skills in “cutting edge” of biomedical research and advanced techniques, as well as expertise in healthcare economies, management and proficiency in ethics and legal issues. Based on the growing importance of biomedical research and life […]

Development of Higher Education Systems in Seven Arab Countries – 1965-1988

The “Oil Decade” (1973-1982) aroused great expectation in Arab societies in the Middle East, expectations for deep and fast transformations in a broad variety of areas – political, economic, social and cultural. In the 1980’s there were indications that disappointment was setting in since most of the expectations did not materialize. This development, which was […]

Report of the Samuel Neaman Institute Committee on the Advancement of Teaching at Technion

This report examines the problems of the quality of teaching in the technion. It addresses the various aspects of the relations between students and faculty, the first year “shock”, and different means which are essential in order to advance teaching in the Technion. Based on the examination of the above described problems, recommendations on ways […]

The Middle East Oil Decade and Beyond

This book highlights three fundamental aspects of the oil decade. First is the influence the production, export and revenues of oil had on domestic, regional and international relations, in particular between foreign producer companies and local governments (chapter 1); between producer governments and consumer governments (chapters 2 and 3); and between Arab producer states and […]

Report on the Israeli Information Technology (IT) Market

The IT market in Israel includes all the import of computer hardware and software, local software development, software projects and auxiliary services of the computer industry. In 1995 the Israeli IT market was evaluated at US$ 2 billion, 0.5% of the world market. Hardware import amounts to US$ 506.3 million and software imports, to US$ […]

Trends in Demand for Electronics Engineers and Graduates of Computer Sciences

This report sums up a survey on electronic companies members of the Union of Electronic Industries, conducted during the months May and June 1993. The survey used questionnaires which the companies were requested to fill out. It included the following items: Identifying information about the company, sort of ownership, money (sales, exports, R&D budget), manpower, […]

Further Investigation in the Evaluation of Scientific Activity

This publication includes two papers presented at the “Info 92” Conference, the Israeli Information week in the framework of the session on “The Evaluation of Scientific Activity – Methods and Tools” organized by the Samuel Neaman Institute. E. Granit and B.C. Peritz summarize their study on “Scientific Cooperation between. Israel, German and French Scientists in […]