for Progress

What Affects Technion Faculty Members’ Decision to Found a Start-Up Firm? Effects of the Business Opportunity and the Entrepreneur’s (faculty)

While research has recognized the importance of the entrepreneurial opportunity evaluation (EOE) stage in affecting overall entrepreneurship activity, only venture capitalists (VCs) perspectives were explored. No research has attempted to understand the crucial and complementary role of entrepreneurs points of view. In an effort to fill this gap, the current study focuses on the entrepreneur […]

Major Plan for Higher Education – Planning Versus Performance

The higher education system in Israel was based, from the beginning, on academic research in Humboldtian model of teaching and research combined with a strong emphasis on research. Over the years different subjects were added and the requirement to combine in academic studying also professional training increased. Up to a certain stage the Universities succeeded […]

National Environmental Priorities of Israel, Position Paper IV, Vol. 1: Environmental education

Effective environmental education is required at all levels, from kindergartens through universities. Environmental education will assist in developing environmental awareness in our youth, while environmental education in the universities will enrich our professionals, who will, therefore, consider environmental problems to be within their professional activities. The Ministry of the Education, as well as the Ministry […]

Rethinking Higher Education in Israel – the Colleges, University Education and Human Resources

The subcommittee recommends that higher education in Israel be expanded and based on three institution types: Research Universities, Academic Colleges [the equivalent of the American Four Year Colleges], and Community Colleges [to be established].   The Research Universities should emphasize graduate studies [M.A. and M.Sc. with thesis and Ph.D.] and restructure their undergraduate curricula towards […]

The Technion’s green campus

At the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, we don’t just talk about the environment – we are here for the environment. The Technion today is the country’s leading institute in this field and is a model for other academic institutions in Israel and around the world.  The Technion, as Israel’s first and major technological university, bears […]

The Contribution of Technion Graduates to the Israeli Economy

This report shows the contribution of leading Technion graduates to Israel’s economy. The leaders are decision makers with influence on their organizations including chairmen of board of directors, presidents, CEO’s, deputy CEO’s etc. The leaders’ population was taken from a special list prepared by the Technion Alumni Liaison Office and includes 600 graduates. 2% of […]

Italian-Israeli Binational Conference on Natural Gas

In November 1995 an agreement for cooperation between the Technion and the Politechnico di Milano was signed. In addition to agreeing to encourage student and faculty exchanges and joint research, we also agreed to attempt to encourage cooperation between Italian and Israeli industry. The first fruit of this effort was the Binational Conference on Natural […]