for Progress

Liquidity Constraints on the Attainment of Tertiary Education in Israel

This study examines the effect of a family’s economic background on the chances of a twelfth grade high school student to obtain a first (bachelor) degree. The study analyses the marks obtained in the matriculation certificate by twelfth grade students in 1992-97, together with their parents’ demographic and social data taken from the 1995 census, […]

Harnessing Success: Determinants of University Technology Licensing Performance STE-WP-35

We study the impact of incentive pay, local development objectives and government constraints on university licensing performance. We develop and test a simple contracting model technology licensing offices, using new survey information combined with panel data on 86 U.S. universities for the period 1995-99. We find that private universities are much more likely to adopt […]

The quality of Israeli academic institutions: what the wages of graduates tell about it?

Higher education in Israel expanded rapidly in the last ten years with the opening of academic colleges. This study examines the return on education, in terms of salaries, of first degree graduates from colleges compared with that of university graduates, controlling for cognitive abilities and socioeconomic characteristics. The use of Propensity Score Matching shows that […]

Tertiary Education in Israel A New Paradigm for Policy Making

The study examines the various aspects of the existing policy on higher education and proposes a paradigm shift in order to promote academic research improve standards of instruction as well as accessibility to higher education, . The recommendations include fostering a policy of credit transfer between different types of post-secondary institutes and different programs while […]

Redefining Engineering Disciplines for the 21st Century

In the first quarter of the 20th Century engineering education underwent a revolutionary change as a result of the penetration of the exact sciences into the curriculum. Consequently, instead of teaching current technologies, engineering schools began teaching all-embracing fundamental principles of the engineering sciences that can cope with the quickly changing technologies. But, in the […]

Investments in Higher Education and Economic Performance: Israel in an international perspective

The research investigates the relationship between investments in higher education and the economic performance of OECD countries through the use of a two-stage regression model and multivariate analysis. The findings suggest that an indirect relationship exists between higher education investments and economic growth. Evidence shows that higher education inputs translate into human capital outputs, and […]

Tuition Fees in Higher Education in Israel

Higher education policy in Israel did not conceder tuition fee as a major factor for developing Strategic policy for higher education. This paper analyses the main factors of tuition fee in Israel and suggests some recommendations for the future.

Proceedings of the International Conference: “Transition to Mass Higher Education – International Comparisons & Perspectives”

Zehev Tadmor, Nava Ben-Zvi, Sheldon Rothblatt, Martin Trow,David Bloom, David Pierpont Gardner, Pier Paolo Giglioli, Shlomo Grossman, Haim Harari, Grant Harman, Joshua Jortner, Guy Neave, Thorsten Nybom, Henry Rosovsky, Ulrich Teichler, Leslie Wagner   This volume contains the papers presented at an international colloquium entitled “Transition to Mass Higher Education – International Comparisons & Perspectives” which […]