The status of Israel and the Technion research in comparison to selected countries and institutes using bibliometrics indices
The current publication is part of a work which was carried out within the framework of the Neaman Institute and was ordered by the Technion. The review goal was to examine the level of the engineering research at the Technion and at other Israeli universities in comparison to the world using objective tools. In addition, […]
Redefining Engineering Disciplines for the 21st Century
In the first quarter of the 20th Century engineering education underwent a revolutionary change as a result of the penetration of the exact sciences into the curriculum. Consequently, instead of teaching current technologies, engineering schools began teaching all-embracing fundamental principles of the engineering sciences that can cope with the quickly changing technologies. But, in the […]
Investments in Higher Education and Economic Performance: Israel in an international perspective
The research investigates the relationship between investments in higher education and the economic performance of OECD countries through the use of a two-stage regression model and multivariate analysis. The findings suggest that an indirect relationship exists between higher education investments and economic growth. Evidence shows that higher education inputs translate into human capital outputs, and […]
Tuition Fees in Higher Education in Israel
Higher education policy in Israel did not conceder tuition fee as a major factor for developing Strategic policy for higher education. This paper analyses the main factors of tuition fee in Israel and suggests some recommendations for the future.
Proceedings of the International Conference: “Transition to Mass Higher Education – International Comparisons & Perspectives”
Zehev Tadmor, Nava Ben-Zvi, Sheldon Rothblatt, Martin Trow,David Bloom, David Pierpont Gardner, Pier Paolo Giglioli, Shlomo Grossman, Haim Harari, Grant Harman, Joshua Jortner, Guy Neave, Thorsten Nybom, Henry Rosovsky, Ulrich Teichler, Leslie Wagner This volume contains the papers presented at an international colloquium entitled “Transition to Mass Higher Education – International Comparisons & Perspectives” which […]
What Affects Technion Faculty Members’ Decision to Found a Start-Up Firm? Effects of the Business Opportunity and the Entrepreneur’s (faculty)
While research has recognized the importance of the entrepreneurial opportunity evaluation (EOE) stage in affecting overall entrepreneurship activity, only venture capitalists (VCs) perspectives were explored. No research has attempted to understand the crucial and complementary role of entrepreneurs points of view. In an effort to fill this gap, the current study focuses on the entrepreneur […]
Major Plan for Higher Education – Planning Versus Performance
The higher education system in Israel was based, from the beginning, on academic research in Humboldtian model of teaching and research combined with a strong emphasis on research. Over the years different subjects were added and the requirement to combine in academic studying also professional training increased. Up to a certain stage the Universities succeeded […]
National Environmental Priorities of Israel, Position Paper IV, Vol. 1: Environmental education
Effective environmental education is required at all levels, from kindergartens through universities. Environmental education will assist in developing environmental awareness in our youth, while environmental education in the universities will enrich our professionals, who will, therefore, consider environmental problems to be within their professional activities. The Ministry of the Education, as well as the Ministry […]
Analysis and Policy Recommendations for Technology Transfer from Universities to Industry. Final Report
This research was supported by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport. Science and technology are linked to each other and contribute to innovation processes which serve as an important source for economic progress and growth. The link between science (academia) and technology (industry) includes, among others, […]
Rethinking Higher Education in Israel – the Colleges, University Education and Human Resources
The subcommittee recommends that higher education in Israel be expanded and based on three institution types: Research Universities, Academic Colleges [the equivalent of the American Four Year Colleges], and Community Colleges [to be established]. The Research Universities should emphasize graduate studies [M.A. and M.Sc. with thesis and Ph.D.] and restructure their undergraduate curricula towards […]