Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Smart Robotics- First report
The aim of the project is to present an up-to-date and complete picture of the current activities in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Smart Robotics in Israel, and to examine the possibilities of promoting these fields. Extensive work was carried out to define areas of research, survey and map activities in Israel, […]
Is there a Shortage of Academic Degree Holders in Science and Technology?

This research extends previous work by the authors, “The Role of Research Universities in the Israeli R&D System”, by investigating the possible shortage of graduates with academic degrees in S&T. Contrary to common views, we conclude that there currently is no overall shortage in the number of S&T degree recipients. Some 10,000 receive a first […]
A Computational Analysis of R&D Support Programs

Government R&D support programs are examined within a dynamic equilibrium model of imperfectly competitive industries in order to study the effectiveness of such programs and the extent to which their design matters. We compare two common support schemes, R&D tax credit and direct R&D grants. Adopting comprehensive welfare measures that take into account government, producer […]
India-Israel Collaborative Business Innovation: An examination of its potential and forces that shape it

This paper summarizes the rationale, outline and findings of a research program at SNI that was dedicated to the study of the potential for collaboration between Israeli and Indian business partner.
“Toward Mapping National Innovation Ecosystems: Israel’s Innovation Ecosystem”

We present a method for building visual national innovation ecosystem maps, showing a country’s full innovation system, and illustrate it by constructing and presenting such an innovation map for Israel
Towards Mapping National Innovation Ecosystem: Israel’s Innovation ecosystem

In this working paper, we describe Israel’s innovation ecosystem. As a country widely described as the Start-Up Nation (Senor & Singer, 2011), there is considerable interest in the system and forces that drive Israel’s vigorous entrepreneurship. We begin by presenting the key anchors and processes of Israeli innovation that emerged from the Experts Workshop, along […]