Agriculture Surplus and their efficient use
The study defines and give preliminary assessments as to the amount of fruits and vegetables left in agriculture fields and how can national policy reduce these amounts, and if formed- how can they be utilized.
Residential pneumatic refuse collection systems – techno-economic analysis for municipalities
Automatics waste collection systems are an alternative to conventional waste collection (via trucks). These are high-capital systems, with a significant economies of scale advantages. Additionally, such systems dramatically reduce – and even eliminate – operational costs associated with conventional collection, therefore a viable solution – especially in large neighborhoods with high-level buildings. As part of […]
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting and Registration System in Israel: Summary of Reports for 2013
The issue of global climate changes is the subject of worldwide attention, due to its environmental, economic and social implications over both the developed and developing world. The government of Israel recognizes the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (in spite of no formal international commitment to date, as well as the halt in the […]
Economic incentives to promote energy conservation technologies in residential dwellings
In this study, a series of economic mechanisms was formulated. These will encourage integration of technologies and means of saving energy in residential buildings and help reduce maintenance costs for households and help them cope better with the cost of living. As the basis for this study – the first time in Israel – techno-economic […]
Water for nature and rivers restoration – Summary and recommendations of the 3rd Water Forum
At the third meeting of the Water Forum, held on January 2013, initiated in collaboration with the Energy and Water Minister, Dr. Uzi Landau, the issue of “Water for Nature and the Restoration of Streams” was discussed. A full day was devoted to the meeting, with the participation of the best experts in dealing with […]
Adaptation to climate change in the local authorities
ICCIC team prepared a report on adaptation policy recommendations for local authorities in Israel. Climate change is expected to affect the water sector in the State of Israel, the health of residents, the existence of biodiversity and ecosystems supplying ecological services, urban climate and our energy consumption in homes and the communities where we live. […]
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting and Registration System in Israel: Summary of Reports for 2011
36 companies and organizations submitted the annual reporting forms to the Ministry of the Environmental Protection for the reporting year 2011. Each of the companies that reported, enclosed a signed statement regarding the reliability of the data, as required by the Reporting and Registration System, which was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental […]
Hazardous Household Chemicals and Hazardous Waste: Policy and Procedures Recommendations For Implementation in Israel
This National Priorities document, the ninth to be published, focuses on an important subject that does not get the exposure it deserves – the issue of how chemicals and hazardous household waste are handled in Israel. This subject is hardly discussed and managed at the national level and is rarely discussed in the media. Most […]
Report 2 – Israel Adaptation to Climate Change Policy Recommendations- Executtiive Summary
The Israeli Climate Change Information Center (ICCIC) was founded in March 2011, at the University of Haifa by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, as part of the national program for Israel’s adaptation to climate changes, set by the Government’s Resolution 474 ( 2009). The main goal of the ICCIC is to develop a national scientific […]
Global challenges for the water industry in the mineral mining industry
This report reviews the mining and ore processing industry, in order to identify the role of water in the production as well as water treatment needed in regarding to water use, saving .o the environment/ recyclingving water, he water treatment need water, reuse, recycle and regulated emission to the environment. This is the second report […]