Guidelines for Applying Quantitative Shade Indicators in Urban Planning in Israel
Roadmap and Key Steps for Non־Animal Protein (Plant and Alternative) Towards Israel’s Food Security 2050
The report examines the role of non-animal proteins (plant-based and alternative) in securing Israel’s food supply by 2050. With population growth, environmental challenges, and reliance on imports, strengthening domestic production of non-animal proteins is crucial for reducing vulnerability to climate and global supply chain disruptions.
“Scenarios and National Goals for Food Security in 2050” a Second Interim Report Within the Israel 2050 Food Security Project
This interim report is part of the process of shaping Israel’s national food security policy for 2050. The report focuses on proposing reference scenarios that influence food security in Israel and deriving goals and objectives for action, with an emphasis on three key dimensions: climate, demographics, and dietary patterns. These dimensions significantly impact the ability to ensure the availability, accessibility, and quality of food sources over time, both during routine periods and in emergencies.
The Impact of an Airport in the Jezreel Valley on Agriculture and Food Security in Israel
The aim of this paper is to assess the potential impact of establishing an airport in the Jezreel Valley on regional agricultural production, the local economy and livelihoods dependent on agriculture, and the supply of food and food security for the broader Israeli public.
Fuel with falafel frying oil or stream processed waste to the engine – the black liquid cheap substitutes
Burning Trash and Generating Energy from Industrial Waste
The publication contains translation and transcript of lectures on the subject of Industrial combustion of waste, and also treatment of liquid industrial wastes.
Use of Wastewater in Urban Settings. Final Report
This study investigates the treatment of municipal wastewater and reuse within the city. A variety of uses for the treated wastewater, ranging from toilet flushing and domestic gardening to landscape irrigation were suggested. Two cities were investigated as case studies: Beer Sheva and Maale Edomim. For both cities treatment and reuse schemes were designed, and […]
Beneath the Red Line (or the Parable of Water) – On the Water Crisis in Israel
At the beginning of the Likud Government’s term of office in 1996, Minister of Agriculture, Raphael Eitan, approached me and requested that I help him prepare a data brochure about the situation of the water system. He expressed, in advance, his concern that the situation of the water system might lead to the liquidation of […]
Electronic and Hybrid Power for Busses. Final Report
The report includes detailed review of technologies for electric and hybrid vehicles, and information about experiments performed with electric and hybrid buses worldwide. Published data about energy storage devices, such as batteries, fuel cells and inertia flywheels, various driving and charging systems, air conditioning problems are summarized and analyzed. Performance characteristics of various electric and […]
The Logic of Living Things
It was decided by the Neaman institute, which is engaged in policy, science and technology research, to work towards increasing and expanding the knowledge of natural and engineering sciences among youths and adults. One of the ways to achieve this objective is to translate a series of classical books on science and technology. As the […]