for Progress

National Energy Technologies Research and Development Survey

This survey has been recently completed by the energy and environment team at the SNI, for the National Council for Research and Development (NCRD). The survey maps various R&D efforts in Israeli academia and industry, in the following fields: Energy technology R&D – alternative energy sources; energy conservation; energy storage; energy for electricity, heat, transportation; […]

Energy efficiency in the milking center of Ein Harod Ihud

The goal of this project was to examine means for the reduction of energy use or lowering energy costs in milking centers, and to propose measures that will include energy improvements based on electricity and fuel consumption with a possible addition of solar energy, and while meeting economical benefit criteria. During the first year of […]

Bioethanol in Israel: global context, research, planning and policy

Bioethanol in Israel: global context, research, planning and policy

The report examines the global trends in the bioethanol market and evaluates the potential advantages and the anticipated shortcomings of Israel adopting a national bioethanol strategy and the planning it would require. An overarching objective of this assessment is to evaluate whether bioethanol could be used as a relatively significant substitution for fossil fuel, as […]

Environmental technologies – the green future

The field of environmental technology development includes a very wide range of activities. In the study, which is conducted jointly by the Samuel Neaman Institute, Globes Research and Kesselman & Kesselman, we show that there are very large opportunities in the new market and that the government must take a series of actions realize these […]

Energy efficiency in Ein Harod Ihud

The work was prepared as part of the Ein Harod Echud project – Kibbutz Yerok. The purpose of the work was to examine ways to save/reduce energy costs in the group and to propose cost-saving measures that include the use of alternative energies, while meeting the criteria of economic viability. The initial report focused on […]

Energy Forum 1: Electricity from Photovoltaic Systems

The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Research in Science and Technology, within the framework of its activity in the energy field, conducts meetings of the Energy Forum, devoted to discussions and debate over energy related issues of national importace. The Energy Forum holds focused discussions regarding specified themes, and teams of subject-matter experts are invited […]

Air conditioner survey in Israel- conservation potential and policy measures

This survey, conducted for the ministry of environment, reveals the significant contribution of energy demand, especially in peak hours, for the air conditioners sectors. Since high energy demand during noon hours in summer- time influences the ability of the Electric company to supply the demand, this report suggests several ways to calculate the incentives needed […]

Sustainable Energy Market in Israel

This document describes comprehensively and in detail the energy sector in Israel.  Continuing with a “business as usual” approach to fossil fuel use can lead to a catastrophe of global proportions. The price that we, as a society, actually pay for energy is significantly higher than the amount that appears in our monthly bills, because […]