for Progress

Oil Shale Occurrences in Israel – Geological Updated information

Oil shale occurrences underlie about 15% of Israel’s land surface. The geological reserves (rocks with at least 7% total organic carbon) are estimated to exceed 370 billion tons. The potential yield of shale oil is more than 30 billion tons, with an average grade supposed to be ~20 G/T.  Most of the deposits are close […]

Adaptation to climate change in the local authorities

ICCIC team prepared a report on adaptation policy recommendations for local authorities in Israel. Climate change is expected to affect the water sector in the State of Israel, the health of residents, the existence of biodiversity and ecosystems supplying ecological services, urban climate and our energy consumption in homes and the communities where we live. […]

Report #2– Israel Adaptation to Climate Change Policy Recommendations

The Israeli Climate Change Information Center (ICCIC) was founded in March 2011, at the University of Haifa by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, as part of the national program for Israel’s adaptation to climate changes, set by the Government’s Resolution 474 ( 2009). The main goal of the ICCIC is to develop a national scientific […]

Global challenges for the water industry in oil and gas production

This report reviews the oil and gas production industry with the purpose of describing the role of water in the production process. It is focused on water management, and water treatment for reuse/recycle or authorized emission to the environment. This is a first among seven reports reviewing water in seven global industrial sectors. Serving the […]

Mapping of National Research Infrastructures in Israel

The Neaman Institute won a tender of the Israel National Council for Research and Development – the National Committee for Research Infrastructures (VATAM) – through the Science and Technology Ministry – to conduct a study with respect to the mapping of national research infrastructures. The purpose of the research is the mapping of the existing national […]