Energy Forum 21: Energy-saving retrofit of buildings
Many buildings in Israel, both private and public, were built in the years before prevalent awareness of the need for energy savings. Naturally, these buildings are wasteful in terms of energy, consuming a great deal of energy for climate control, (both in winter and summer), for lighting, and the like. The reasons for this lie […]
Energy Forum 20: Grid-connected photovoltaic systems for the residential and commercial sectors
Photovoltaic (PV) systems are currently the most common method for producing solar electricity. Their great advantage lies in their many installation options and their variety of energy outputs, beginning with less than one kilowatt peak (kWp) systems, which can be installed on a single pole or small roof, up to systems of many Megawatts peak […]
Energy Forum 19: Energy Efficiency in lighting systems
lighting systems are a substantial electricity consumer in the Israeli energy market, as far as 10% of total electricity consumption can be related to lighting. For some consumers such as office buildings, lighting load can reach 40%, taking into account the effect on air conditioning load, as well. The forum participants agree that there is […]
Energy Forum 18: Solar Air conditioning Systems in Israel
Israel has one of the highest air conditioning users in the world, With over 280 days of sun per year, and air conditioning of public building of over 300 days per year. In light of the experience gained over the years with water heating solar systems, it will be wise to check the technological and […]
Energy Forum 17: Natural Gas in Israel
The conversion of energy consumers from coal and other fossil fuels to natural gas will contribute to many disciplines: cost reduction, air pollution reduction, green house gas emissions restraining, competition advantage for the Israeli market and more. The aspects and setbacks for the implementation of natural gas in Israel where discussed in the current forum […]
Energy Forum 16: Smart grid
The development and application of smart electrical grid us one of the “hot” topics in the modern energy market, and is enjoying high priorities and research investments throughout the world. The smart grid delivers electricity from producers to consumers via two-way digital technology, that enables control over appliances at the consumer’s home and machines at […]
Energy Forum 15: Energy Efficiency in Local Authorities in Israel
Local authorities consume energy for street lighting, air-conditioning and lighting of public buildings, fuels for vehicle fleets, fuels for heavy mechanical equipment etc. The annual energy consumption of local authorities in Israel is estimated at 2-3 billion kwh. Increasing energetic efficiency in local authorities creates several important benefits – it allows great budget savings, reduces […]
Energy Forum 14: Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
The development of non fossil fuel vehicles is addressed by scientists and engineers all over the world. The global effort is to reduce air pollution, especially in the dense cities. The Israeli government declared on Nov 2007 the encouragement of non-fossil fueled vehicles, in order to achieve several goals. The green taxation plan will grant […]
Energy Forum 13: Solar power plants in Israel
Solar electricity production technologies, based on either thermal conversion or Photovoltaic (PV) conversion, have reached a technological maturity level that enables their application on a large, utility scale. Although some of these technologies were initially developed by Israeli companies, they have not yet been implemented in Israel. The forum discussed advantages and barriers for the […]
Energy Forum 12: Energy in the water sector
The water sector is a very large consumer of energy in its various forms, mainly electricity. Energy is used for water pumping, transfer and supply. Energy is also essential for water “production” as in sea water desalination, and for wastewater treatment, to be later used for irrigation or river flows.The current forum discussed two main […]