for Progress

Energy Forum 31: Biomass to Energy

Biomass is an available renewable energy source. Unlike the burning of fossil fuels, burning biomass – either directly or indirectly – does not generate excess carbon dioxides and does not change earth’s ecological balance, since growing it essentially sequestrate the same amount of carbon emitted when it is burned. According to the U.S. Energy Information […]

Energy Forum 30: Solar Energy to Electricity in Israel

In 2009 the government of Israel set a target of 10% of electricity to be generated from renewable sources by 2020. Under this framework, the government policies supporting construction of renewable electricity power plants are enacted through issuing of tenders and authorizing the Public Utility Authority – Electricity to set feed-in tariffs. In light of […]

Energy Forum 29: Smart Cities

Most of the world’s population today lives in cities. In order to continuously serve and improve the increasing population’s life quality, there is a growing need to develop smart cities. A smart city strives to optimally and sustainably utilize available resources, while maintaining adequate balance between social, environmental and economic costs. There are many benefits […]

Energy Forum 28: Sustainable Road Transportation: Energy and Environmental Aspects

Road transportation in Israel today, especially in the large metropolitans, is becoming crowded and dense with serious social, environmental and energetic consequences. Lost time due to traffic jams costs the economy greatly, fuel is wasted and emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases increase. Instead of implementing conventional expansion of infrastructure, which become insufficient very quickly […]

Energy Forum 27: A Smart Energy Grid as a Growth Engine for the Israeli Industry

The Smart Grid is developing in many places in the world to replace the conventional power grid. This is one of the leading topics in the modern energy market, and it is receiving economic and national prioritization as well as massive investments. In Israel too this topic is a priority on the national energy agenda, […]

Energy Forum 26: Oil Shale Production in Israel

One of the local energy sources of the State of Israel is shale oil – a source of fossil fuel that appears in the form of marlstone or chalk rocks rich in organic matter, mostly Krogn. One can use shale oil in direct combustion and produce heat out of it, and even the possibility to […]

Energy Forum 25: The Israel Energy Sector – vision for 2028

The major axis around which the discussion about the energy vision for 2028 revolved was the mix of energy sources to be used in future years. The recommended mix for electricity generation, as agreed upon by most participants, is 50% natural gas, 30% renewable energy, and the remaining 20% – coal, oil shale, and possibly […]

Energy Forum 24: Solar energy for residential buildings in Israel

In the 30 years since the planning and building regulations requiring solar installations in residential buildings up to nine stories went into effect, many changes and progress was achieved in the construction sector. Due to the increase in population and the shortage of free land space, the proportion of high-rise buildings in residential construction is […]

Energy Forum 23: Using wind energy in Israel

Electric power generation by wind turbines is growing increasingly around the world, accounting currently for a significant percentage of the utilization of renewable energies, in both developed and developing countries.In addition to the benefit resulting from the use of wind energy to the energy economy of Israel – in the field of pollution reduction and […]

Energy Forum 22: Nuclear power station in Israel

A nuclear power station as part of the Israeli electricity market had been considered since the 1970’s, as part of the regulators goal to diverse the fuel mix and lower energy security risks. Opposed to the transition from liquid fuel based production to coal, which was a natural evolution yet not a simple one, the […]