Proceedings of the International Conference: “Transition to Mass Higher Education – International Comparisons & Perspectives”

Zehev Tadmor, Nava Ben-Zvi, Sheldon Rothblatt, Martin Trow,David Bloom, David Pierpont Gardner, Pier Paolo Giglioli, Shlomo Grossman, Haim Harari, Grant Harman, Joshua Jortner, Guy Neave, Thorsten Nybom, Henry Rosovsky, Ulrich Teichler, Leslie Wagner This volume contains the papers presented at an international colloquium entitled “Transition to Mass Higher Education – International Comparisons & Perspectives” which […]
Major Plan for Higher Education – Planning Versus Performance
The higher education system in Israel was based, from the beginning, on academic research in Humboldtian model of teaching and research combined with a strong emphasis on research. Over the years different subjects were added and the requirement to combine in academic studying also professional training increased. Up to a certain stage the Universities succeeded […]
National Environmental Priorities of Israel, Position Paper IV, Vol. 1: Environmental education

Effective environmental education is required at all levels, from kindergartens through universities. Environmental education will assist in developing environmental awareness in our youth, while environmental education in the universities will enrich our professionals, who will, therefore, consider environmental problems to be within their professional activities. The Ministry of the Education, as well as the Ministry […]
Gender Issues in Computer Science and Software Engineering

This research focuses on women in the software industry. It addresses three sub-topics: Female high-school pupils studying of computer science: Formal and informal data indicate that the percentages of the high-school female pupils who study computer science at the level of 5 points (the higher level) of the matriculation exam remain relatively low (about 25%). […]
Rethinking Higher Education in Israel – the Colleges, University Education and Human Resources

The subcommittee recommends that higher education in Israel be expanded and based on three institution types: Research Universities, Academic Colleges [the equivalent of the American Four Year Colleges], and Community Colleges [to be established]. The Research Universities should emphasize graduate studies [M.A. and M.Sc. with thesis and Ph.D.] and restructure their undergraduate curricula towards […]
Promoting Gifted Mathematicians

The level of mathematics in high school education is unsatisfactory, as can be seen in recent years in international surveys. The phenomenon is especially perturbing in view of the importance of mathematical education as a key for success in science and technology and the high-tech industries based on them. Nevertheless, successful activities are being introduced […]
Seminar: Training and Qualifying Teachers in Science and Mathematics

Report on the activity of the project “Scientific and technological education towards the 2000s” Prof. Gad Elam, Faculty of Physics, Technion I would briefly define the purpose of the research as the formulation of science education policy. Research was conducted by a team of the Technion in collaboration with people from other institutions, where members […]
Promoting Excellence in Science Education

Discussion on cultivating excellence of science education conducted in the framework of the Samuel Neaman Institute. The aims of the discussion is to evaluate what is being done in Israel in cultivating excellence and the role, in this area, of the education system, the universities, the army and industry. We will deal with the following […]