Human Resources for Science and Technology in Israel – Selected Topics (summery)

Student Loans for Israel: Learning from International Practice

The proposals of the Shochat Committee on higher education that related to first degree tuition fees and student loans, if implemented, will have far-reaching effects on the higher education system in Israel. Yet, conspicuously lacking in the report is any discussion of the merits of these loans scheme arrangements, in relation to possible alternatives. A […]
Proceedings of the International Conference: “Privatization in Higher Education” January 7-8, 2008

Contributions by: Philippe Aghion, Shoshana Arad, Zvi Arad, Elise S. Brezis, Morton M. Denn, Ali Doğramaci, Nehemia Friedland, Sarah Guri-Rosenblit, Grant Harman, Ranan Hartman, Rhanan Har-Zahav, Yaacov Iram, Uri Kirsch, Daniel C. Levy, Nadav Liron, Hagit Messer-Yaron, Gabriel Motzkin, Guy Neave, Thorsten Nybom, Zvi Piran, Sheldon Rothblatt, Eliezer Shalev, Steven Stav and Galit Eizman, Zehev […]
Privatization in Higher Education

The private higher education sector has emerged gradually in recent years. This evolution occurred alongside the rapid growth in the demand for academic studies and degrees. Public support for higher education has severely declined in the last two decades due to mass expansion and soaring expense resulting in rapid growth in private higher education in […]
Vouchers for New Immigrants as Tools for the Job Market
Over the past two years, the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption has operated a Vouchers Project, which seeks to increase adaptation of new immigrants to the Israeli job market. Within the project’s framework, eligible immigrants receive vouchers which can be redeemed towards professional training in a program of their choice from a licensed college, as well […]
A National Plan for the Chemical Industry in Israel

The National Plan for the Chemical Industry in Israel is a large project that the Samuel Neaman Institute has been leading since 2004. The project analyzes past and present chemistry and pharmaceutical branches produced in Israel, present alternatives and demonstrates new industry branches in this field. This project compares this industry with other global markets […]
The quality of Israeli academic institutions: what the wages of graduates tell about it?
Higher education in Israel expanded rapidly in the last ten years with the opening of academic colleges. This study examines the return on education, in terms of salaries, of first degree graduates from colleges compared with that of university graduates, controlling for cognitive abilities and socioeconomic characteristics. The use of Propensity Score Matching shows that […]
Equity and Efficiency Effects of Different Funding Arrangements for Higher Education: A Calibrated Analysis Applied to Israel
We construct a macro-model of an economy with skilled and unskilled labor, and a centralized system of higher education, calibrate it to the parameters of Israel’s economy and university system, and then use it to simulate different modes of financing higher education so as to gauge their effect on output, distribution and mobility. We find […]
The Jewish People Today: Between Necessity and Freedom
This essay is dedicated to dealing with two basic questions: the first focuses on the swift changes that have occurred in our time in the status of the nation and its state – from one of necessity to one of liberty, from determinism to voluntarism, from enforced identity to chosen identity – and the expected ramifications upon […]
Tuition Fees in Higher Education in Israel
Higher education policy in Israel did not conceder tuition fee as a major factor for developing Strategic policy for higher education. This paper analyses the main factors of tuition fee in Israel and suggests some recommendations for the future.