The Future of Universities – Is the Revolution in Front of Us?

The object of this study is to evaluate the effects of current processes on the future of universities. A wide global view – including economic, academic, social and other aspects – is described, with special emphasis on Israeli issues. Due to significant changes in technology, society and business – combined forces are threating the future […]
Holistic Assessment of Science Communication Based on the Positions of Different Stakeholders: Scientists, Teachers, Undergraduates, High School Students, and the Public
In recent years, scientists are increasingly requested to make science accessible to the general public. This accessibility will help promote scientific knowledge sharing and obtain public support for science. The research goals were to identify the common themes to science education and science communication and to explore how various stakeholders view these themes. We also […]
Massive Online Courses – Disruptive Innovation at the Universities?

The object of this study is to investigate and clarify, various aspects related to Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) which have been developed recently. The present state is described, and attempt has been made to evaluate future developments in general, and their effect on higher education in particular. Issues related to economic, social and academic […]
Perceived Personal Control
Preventive intervention for children undergoing surgery coupled with changes in the policy of the Pediatric Surgery Department, Operating Room and Recovery Room, designed to enhance the control of children, assist them in accomplishing the specific, psychological tasks and enhance mental health.
The Higher Education System in Israel – Issues, characteristics and unique Aspects

A broad view on the Israeli system of higher education is described. The development of the Israeli system has been influenced by developments in some other countries. Yet, this system is characterized by some unique aspects, including – education of prominence leaders, unprecedented national contribution, and worldwide research excellence – all these with relatively modest […]
Science & Technology Education in Israel: Selected Indicators for the Development of a Risk Management Strategy regarding Possible Future Shortages of S&T Teachers in Upper-Secondary Schools

The Forum for Science and Technology Education has been launched in 2013 in order to establish and encourage cooperation among different sectors in Israel to promote K-12 science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. The importance attributed to STEM education and the need to increase the number of high-school students who choose to study STEM […]
Haredi Integration: A Model, Possible Scenerios and Mapping
This report includes several articles, beginning with a model demonstrating a possible approach to government policy regarding Haredi Integration, followed by an examination of possible future scenarios pertaining to the pace of integration, and concluding with the mapping of all academic institutes which cater for the Haredi public.
EMC Studies – a Report
This report includes an analysis of the gap existing in the Haredi Education curriculum due to the lack of three subjects: English, Math, Computers. The report then presents 4 Policy Recommendations aimed at the integration of these subjects into the Haredi educational system.
Higher education policy in Israel – accessibility, quality and excellence with limited resources

This study deals with a broad range of topics related to the higher education system in Israel. It describes past developments, discusses present issues, indicates necessary changes in the future and proposes some policy guidelines. The following main subjects are discussed: Introduction – the higher education system in Israel, global aspects. Higher education accessibility – issues and […]
Funding of Higher Education
The monograph examines and evaluates the funding of the higher education and basic research in Israel, from the early 70’s up until today. It focuses on the various modes of funding from public and other sources, and describes the total amounts; the methodology and future modes of operation.