Chemistry education: Where are we headed?

In view of the decline in popularity of chemistry in high schools and the decrease in the number of teachers and schools in which chemistry is taught, the current research has examined trends in motivation and reasons for choosing a career in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, or chemical education and recommend ways to foster these […]
From frontal teaching to remote learning to active online education

Conclusions and insights from remote learning during the Corona crisis period and plans and road map to develop it into active online education
National Youth Service as a Psycho-Social Process

This paper focuses on the psycho-social processes, or developmental processes, involved in participating in National Youth Service (NYS) voluntary frameworks. The findings advocate the notion that voluntary youth service may serve as a ‘socialization agency’, perhaps the very last one between youth and early adulthood. Due to its pro-social and pro-community characteristics, NYS frameworks tend […]
Project Based Learning

This essay surveys research published in the past four years or so, on how innovative schools employ project-based learning to motivate and inspire children
Turning the Pyramid Upside Down
The aim of the document is to propose a comprehensive reform in the field of education and early childhood care in Israel, i.e, the first years of the child’s life, from birth until entering the formal structured framework of education at the age of 6. The growing awareness about the importance of early childhood itself, […]
Education of engineers in the 21st century: Global aspects and implications to Israel
The Neaman Institute has initiated a national process to re-evaluate the education of engineers in the academic institutes in Israel with the objective to train a young generation of engineers with the abilities to promote innovation in the hi-tech and traditional industries as well as harness the frontier of science for these purposes. The present […]
Israel Universities – Unique Aspects in a Changing World
This study is a comprehensive and up-to-date summary of previous studies carried out in the Neaman Institute. It combines Israeli unique aspects and global changes. The universities experience transition processes, and unprecedented integration of forces that threaten their future. The objects of this study are to present a wide view on current developments and issues, […]
Evaluation of the Technion Excellence Programs

The research centers on the evaluation of the Technion excellence programs. The Technion currently offers two types of excellence programs to its students: The Rothschild Scholars Technion Program for Excellence and a number of faculty excellence programs. The goal of this particular research is to provide policy makers at the Technion and external involved bodies, […]
Entrepreneurship at the Technion Establishment of policy
Overview of the objects and modes of entrepreneurial education in research universities and proposal for actions. The publication includes critical review and evaluation of modes of actions in leading universities worldwide.
Excellence in Mathematics in the Ultra-Orthodox Community

This is an exploratory study, solicited by the Trump Foundation in Israel, aimed at the assessment of the potential for excellence in Math and Physics studies within the current Haredi Educational System. The study illuminates some of the recent transformations occurring in this regard, both within the Yeshivot of the Haredi men, as well among […]