for Progress

Innovation of Foreign R&D Centres in Israel: Evidence from Patent and Firm Level Data

The research investigated the impact of multinational companies (MNCs) on the Israeli economy in terms of demand for innovation. The research focused on two main impacts: the positive externalities to the national economy stemming from the activity of foreign R&D centres in Israel and the potential loss to the economy due to the utilization of […]

Integration of electric and hybrid vehicles in Israel’s transportation system – Phase B: economic analysis and life cycle assessment

This document holds the second phase of the paper, and provides an initial economic analysis and life cycle assessment (LCA) of utilizing these technologies and solutions in Israel. Under the base scenario it is concluded that ICE vehicles (the conventional alternative) have the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) per kilometer-driven (sans taxes); accounting for […]

Orthodox Employment – Information Booklet Second Edition

כריכת הדוח תעסוקת חרדים – חוברת מידע מהדורה שניה

This information booklet was written on the basis of knowledge and experience accumulated at the Samuel Neaman Institute during the running of the “Ultra-Orthodox Integration Project”. The booklet is designed for managers and owners of companies and organizations, and human resource managers in these organizations – especially secular ones. It should provide them with the […]

Oil Shale Occurrences in Israel – Geological Updated information

Oil shale occurrences underlie about 15% of Israel’s land surface. The geological reserves (rocks with at least 7% total organic carbon) are estimated to exceed 370 billion tons. The potential yield of shale oil is more than 30 billion tons, with an average grade supposed to be ~20 G/T.  Most of the deposits are close […]

A Computational Analysis of R&D Support Programs

Government R&D support programs are examined within a dynamic equilibrium model of imperfectly competitive industries in order to study the effectiveness of such programs and the extent to which their design matters.  We compare two common support schemes, R&D tax credit and direct R&D grants.   Adopting comprehensive welfare measures that take into account government, producer […]

Orthodox Employment – Information Booklet

כריכת הדוח תעסוקת חרדים – חוברת מידע

This information booklet was written on the basis of knowledge and experience accumulated at the Samuel Neaman Institute during the running of the “Ultra-Orthodox Integration Project”. The booklet is designed for managers and owners of companies and organizations, and human resource managers in these organizations – especially secular ones. It should provide them with the […]

The Way to Integration

הדרך לשילוב

This report includes Policy Recommendations in several areas related to Haredi Integration: Determining Fiscal Policy,  Education and Training, routes into the Labour Market, and Military & Civil Service. The actions suggested should serve to broaden the integration of the Haredi population into the Israeli economy.

Technion’s Contribution to the Israeli Economy through its Graduates

Investment in human capital at Technion generates a 76-197 per cent social rate of return, at least, or in absolute terms, some $35-$60 b. for 50 graduating classes. The annual output of Technion graduates in high-tech industries and computer services, communications and Research & Development is estimated at a minimum of $21 b. The median […]

Strategic Innovation Policy (STE-WP-44)

Strategic Innovation Policy (SIP) emphasizes the importance of embedding innovation policy decisions (broadly defined to include science, technology, higher education policy, and policies to promote entrepreneurship and venture capital) within a fixed, knowledge-based strategic system. Creating a vision, identifying priority areas, and establishing a coherent set of priorities must occur before the design and implementation of […]