Increasing Productivity in R&D
The enormous development of high-tech areas during the last decade created an opportunity for many original developments and improvements of existing products. Most of the products are innovative, are based on advanced technology and require large investments in the R&D process. Market demands dictate efficient and fast development. An inefficient or slow development of a […]
The Current Energy Situation in Israel as a Departure Point for Future Planning
This report presents data on energy consumption in Israel, the principle structure of the energy economy and the activities in this economy in recent years. The object is to focus the problems arising from managing the energy economy here and the need to formulate a long range energy policy, according to agreed objectives, with the […]
An Examination of the Economic Implications for Israel of Space Exploration. Executive Summary
This work is submitted in the framework of a tender of the Israel Space Agency for the utilization of space. In the request for a price quote the aim was defined as follows: “Israel and the other industrialized countries in the world are involved in a lot of space related research activity. For a long […]
Evaluation of a Plan to Establish a Wind Farm in the Mediterranean Sea. Final Research Report
The purpose of the present research is an investigation of the feasibility of building an offshore wind farm in Israel. The first part of the report presents a detailed literature survey. This survey includes: national programs for offshore wind energy exploitation, meteorological aspects of wind resources in offshore sites, engineering aspects related to offshore wind […]
Quality and Productivity in Research & Development
The third workshop on R&D quality and productivity was held at the Samuel Neaman Institute on June 17th, 1993 and is a direct continuation of the two previous workshops of the series, which were organized in the framework of a doctorate theses by Doron Meirsdorf under the guidance of Professor Ezey Dar-El, Dr. Ze’ev Bonen […]
The Middle East Oil Decade and Beyond
This book highlights three fundamental aspects of the oil decade. First is the influence the production, export and revenues of oil had on domestic, regional and international relations, in particular between foreign producer companies and local governments (chapter 1); between producer governments and consumer governments (chapters 2 and 3); and between Arab producer states and […]
The Chemical Industry 2000 Potential for Future Growth
Chemical industry has been stagnating for many years. Long term trends are analyzed. There exists a potential for growth.We have identified market segments that are growing faster than other segments of the chemical industry. These were presented in 3 groups of potential areas for growth for the Israeli chemical industry:1) Families of intermediate: Synthesis gas […]
The Chemical Industry 2000, Phase B
Partly included in “The Chemical Industry 2000, Potential for Future Growth” 1995
Report on the Israeli Information Technology (IT) Market
The IT market in Israel includes all the import of computer hardware and software, local software development, software projects and auxiliary services of the computer industry. In 1995 the Israeli IT market was evaluated at US$ 2 billion, 0.5% of the world market. Hardware import amounts to US$ 506.3 million and software imports, to US$ […]
Entrepreneurial Theory and Practice: Immigrant Opportunities
All over the world, many immigrants and their children have turned to small business when faced by the limited opportunities open to them in the labor market. For Israel, essentially a country of immigrants, worldwide experience in this area is of great significance. The recent wave of immigration from the former Soviet Union has greatly […]