for Progress

The Contribution of Science to Israeli Security

This survey was commission by President of the Technion, Professor Zehev Tadmor, as part of a series of surveys on the contributions of science to the State of Israel on its 50th anniversary. The project was initiated by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Even before the establishment of the State of Israel the […]

The Contribution of Science to Civilian Industry in Israel

The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities initiated a series of seminars on the contributions of science to the State of Israel on its 50th anniversary. In this framework Technion President Professor Zehev Tadmor commissioned this survey which is dedicated to the contributions of science to Industry, and which serves to complement a previous survey […]

Economic Incentives in Solid Urban Waste Policy. Final Report

Disposal of municipal solid waste entails severe environmental burdens especially on small, densely populated regions and countries. Israel is grappling with the task of designing an efficient (and politically acceptable!) solid-waste policy, taking into consideration externalities associated with alternative disposal options and the pervasive NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) syndrome.This paper analyzes alternative waste […]

Technometric Benchmarking: Towards an Interactive Operational Model for Management of Technology and Innovation in Science-Based Startups, Selected Re

Overall objective of our project: “…to equip managers of technology in science-based companies [in Israel and in Germany] with tools that can help their firms become more innovative and competitive”. (from our Research Proposal). In this project, we are developing an integrated “toolkit” of quantitative benchmarking models, covering each aspect of the innovation process from […]

The Chemical Industry 2000 Potential for Future Growth

Chemical industry has been stagnating for many years. Long term trends are analyzed. There exists a potential for growth.We have identified market segments that are growing faster than other segments of the chemical industry. These were presented in 3 groups of potential areas for growth for the Israeli chemical industry:1) Families of intermediate: Synthesis gas […]

The Role of the Institute for Ceramics and Silicates

In the framework of the Government’s policy to encourage R&D activity, the office of the Chief Scientist in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce supports about 7 research centers, among them the Israel Ceramics and Silicate Institute. During the last few years this support was expressed in the following subjects: Direct funding of infrastructure research […]