Summary and Recommendation of the 2nd Water Forum: Water and Agriculture
The subject of the meeting – Water in Agriculture was discussed in two sessions: 1. The management interface between the water sector and agriculture 2. Regulation At the end of the day, a concluding meeting was held with a Panel of experts. Following the Forum meetings, a report summarizing the key issues raised during the Forum including […]
Lessons derived from Agriculture and Rural development -applicable for Leveraging Classical Industries
Agriculture in Israel has taken off from producing locally consumed products to the export of innovative products and applications. These include inputs, knowhow, development models and more, all within close international collaboration. Israeli Agriculture has demonstrated that profit can be attained and maximized with small production units – typical of classical industries – enabling overall economic efficiency. […]
Conservation of the rural landscape: Implementation model of sustainable agriculture in selected agricultural areas in Israel

Agriculture produces rural landscape, environmental services, cultural and social values in addition to the marketable food and fiber products. The aim of this research is to suggest policy mechanisms to advance the sustainability of agriculture in Israel. This stage of the research focused on the implementation of such mechanisms in specific regions, following a more […]
Development of Sustainable Agriculture Under Drought Conditions

The research aims to study the agriculture of Israel under sever drought conditions, and sharp raise in water prices. Agriculture is the largest consumer of water in Israel. Raising the price of water would mean that around 10% of the agricultural land in Israel would be changed from irrigated to non-irrigated land. Such change would […]