for Progress

Attitudes of Israeli Public during Corona Period: Report no. 2

The report includes findings from a second on-line survey conducted on the broad Israeli public. Findings show a concern from the economic situation, a significant decrease along the time axis regarding respondent’s estimation of the rights and assistance they deserve because of the situation. Moreover, findings show respondents express low expectation that the situation will […]

Save lives, save jobs

This essay surveys emergency economic bailout programs in the wake of the pandemic, including the Israeli program, at a cost of 80 billion shekels.

Attitudes of Israeli Public during Corona Period: Report no. 1

The report includes early findings from an on-line survey conducted on the broad Israeli public. Findings show significant changes in daily routine, fear of being affected by the virus, a sense of uncertainty and fear of economic distress. There is a relatively high level of compliance to the emergency instructions, as well as a high […]

The Health System at a Roadcross

The health system in Israel has long suffered from the growing scarcity of hospital beds, long queues for tests and services, overworked medical personnel, and overcrowded emergency rooms – all of which attest to systemic problems that require an urgent response. The Corona crisis provides further proof that decades long under-investment in the public health system […]

R&D outputs in Israel: Inventive Characteristics of universities and research institutions

This  report presents updated statistics on the inventive activity of Israeli inventors and applicants. This includes: Analysis of patent applications in the PCT track; Analysis of inventive activity by leading assignees; Distribution of inventive activity by sectors and technological fields and an analysis of the globalization aspects of inventive activity. The analysis of the inventive […]

The Global Economic Impact of COVID-19:A Summary of Research

This essay surveys and summarizes recent research and reports on the global economic impact of the COVID-19 ‘new coronavirus’. It argues that the major impact of the epidemic, or alleged pandemic, is on the supply side of the global economy – while remedies now considered and applied are largely on the demand side. The global […]