Excellence in Mathematics in the Ultra-Orthodox Community
This is an exploratory study, solicited by the Trump Foundation in Israel, aimed at the assessment of the potential for excellence in Math and Physics studies within the current Haredi Educational System. The study illuminates some of the recent transformations occurring in this regard, both within the Yeshivot of the Haredi men, as well among […]
Energy Forum 39: Microgrid and Smart Grid in an age of distributed production and renewable energies
Smart Grid is under development in many parts of the world, designed to replace the conventional power supply network. It is one of the leading issues in a modern energy economy and enjoys national priorities and massive investments. In Israel too, the issue is a high priority on the national energy agenda, even though the […]
Data Analytics approaches and tools survey for promoting advanced manufacturing
The aim of this document is to present a variety of approaches and tools of data analytics for promoting and supporting advanced manufacturing in industry.
The high cost of flight
Kobi Alexander’s journey from hi-tech visionary to convicted felon.
Strengthening Social Resilience, Building Social Capital: Perspectives from Israel and China
This is a report about a one-day workshop conducted by the authors in Beijing, Chaina, in April 2016. In this workshop, we proposed to engage an invited group of senior policymakers, administrators and scholars in a discussion of the theory and practice of social resilience, in the context of China. We shared ‘lessons learned’ […]
It Takes Two to Tango? Spatial and Social Implications of Joint Civil-Military Development.
This study examines the impact of the forthcoming transition to the Negev (Southern part of Israel) of military bases related to the Intelligence Corps and the C4I corps on the reinforcement of urban communities in the Beer-Sheba Metropolitan area. The study includes reviewing and studying international lessons learned in the area of integrating military and […]
R&D Outputs in Israel: Quality Characteristics of Distinct Inventions
The main goal of this study is to provide decision makers with an in-depth picture on the scope and characteristics of Israeli inventive activity during the last two decades and to examine Israel’s position in the inventive arena in relation to OECD countries. In addition to the quantitative description and analysis of Israel inventive activity […]
Israel and Trump heat up the world
A few hours after the inauguration of The President of the United States, Mr. Donald Trump, The White House issued a statement on the future attitude of the new government towards the energy sector.
Assessment of greenhouse gas emissions intensity from electricity generation in Israel
The Israeli energy market undergoes tremendous changes in recent years. While the vast majority of electricity was generated at Israel Electric Corporation’s (IEC) sites, in recent years independent power producers (IPP) are increasingly gaining market share. The fuel mix used for electricity generation in Israel in recent years has also radically shifted, with the natural […]
Will Iran win the technology war?
In his article, Prof. Shlomo Maital analyzes the investment of the Iranian government (and even the religious establishment in Iran) in technological and scientific education, and its results, against the investment in the State of Israel in those fields.