Too early to eulogize the technological – Scientific Revolution

America’s decline – Israel’s trouble
President Trump says the US economy is stronger than it has ever been. And the numbers back him up. Numbers, shmumbers – America is sinking. One consequence is that Israel is in trouble.
America’s decline – Israel’s trouble
President Trump says the US economy is stronger than it has ever been. And the numbers back him up. Numbers, shmumbers – America is sinking. One consequence is that Israel is in trouble.Why does it impact Israel? It is pretty simple, actually. The US is Israel’s strongest supporter. We have your back, the Americans constantly […]
Brain-Storming about Home-Front under War Situation.

On Dec. 7, 2018, a Brain-Storming meeting took place at the Samuel Neaman Institute. The meeting was solicited by the Israeli National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA), at the Defense Ministry. The B-S comprised 18 experts from different disciplines.The B-S process produce 4 clusters of relevant issues: 1. Descision-Making and Dilemmas 2. Media, Social-Media Information and Spokesmanship […]
Science , Technology and Innovation Indicators in Israel: An International Comparison (Six edition)
Neaman Institute is pleased to present the sixth edition of the ” Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators in Israel: An International Comparison.”. This publication contains many key figures for Israel regarding science and technology input and output, and covers more than a decade of international comparisons, as well as many other indices. This information can […]

In this article, Prof. Shlomo Maital analyzes Israel’s influence on the entry of foreign companies that employ many high-tech workers, such as Alibaba and Amazon.
The importance of the academic colleges of engineering
The time has come to refresh the thinking and recognize the contribution of the colleges of engineering to a balanced academic system and the personal development of their graduates.
The importance of the academic colleges of engineering
The time has come to refresh the thinking and recognize the contribution of the colleges of engineering to a balanced academic system and the personal development of their graduates.
Saving TEVA
ISRAEL’S FLAGSHIP global giant, Teva Pharmaceuticals, is in deep trouble. Teva’s share price was cut in more than a half. The latest collapse was in part the result of a misguided $40 billion acquisition that left Teva with massive debt and the patent expiration of Copaxone, a drug for treating multiple sclerosis that, at its peak, brought Teva $4 billion in annual revenue and half of the company’s total profit. TEVA One of Israel’s largest companies was founded before the establishment of the State of Israel and its importance to Israel is great. Summary Ways to Save TEVA.
Saving TEVA
ISRAEL’S FLAGSHIP global giant, Teva Pharmaceuticals, is in deep trouble. Teva’s share price was cut in more than a half. The latest collapse was in part the result of a misguided $40 billion acquisition that left Teva with massive debt and the patent expiration of Copaxone, a drug for treating multiple sclerosis that, at its […]