How to change the world

What would happen if an Israeli invention replaced conventional internal combustion engines?
Global Estimates Of Methane Emissions from Off-Shore Drilling Plants and Their Importance
The study reviews, for the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the world’s regulations and methodologies for estimating methane emissions in the natural gas sector. In addition, the study presents an opinion that addresses the relevance of these methodologies and their application to estimating methane emissions from natural gas facilities in Israel. Methane (CH4) is emitted into […]
Israeli Oil and Gas Sector – Economic and Geopolitical Aspects

The document presents a review of the Israeli oil and gas sector at the beginning of 2016. It examines how Israel is affected by changes in global energy trends, what has been the impact on the country from the oil price decline, the financial and environmental benefits of the gas discoveries on the Israeli economy, […]
Israelis in Berlin – A community in the making

Over the years, the phenomenon of emigration from Israel has been harshly criticized by the public and the country’s leaders, and has been seen as a betrayal of the values of Zionism and opposed to the national conventions. Since the late eighties, this phenomenon has intensified, following the economic, social, cultural, and political changes in […]
When plunder meets blunder

The collapse of the Mega supermarket chain illustrates how greed and mismanagement characterize many or even most business disasters in Israel
Energy Forum 36: Energy Efficiency in Israel: Systems Upgrade

The project was carried out in collaboration with the Natural Resources and Environment Research Center at the University of Haifa. The study, which is carried out as part of a research grant from the local government – the Lottery and the Local Government Center, examines the factors that hinder the establishment of end-of-life facilities in […]
The Future of Universities – Is the Revolution in Front of Us?

The object of this study is to evaluate the effects of current processes on the future of universities. A wide global view – including economic, academic, social and other aspects – is described, with special emphasis on Israeli issues. Due to significant changes in technology, society and business – combined forces are threating the future […]