Dual Use of Space technologies and satellites
The dictated space system development method and system characteristics results systems with high similarity between commercial (civilian) systems and military one, i.e. most of them are with a nature of Dual Use (DU). This report reviews the status of DU operational modes and their usage, in the world and specifically in Israel in the specific […]
Mitzva bonds
Social bonds could link performance with funding and, ultimately, rebuild the public’s trust, eroded by years of waste and corruption.
Needed: Goliaths instead of Davids
Israel needs more than start-up exits, it needs companies that can scale up to global giants. Web builder Wix is taking up the challenge.
Upgrading the economic system in the north of the country
In mid-2014, SNI joined a venture with the Ministry of Economic and Industries, aimed at drafting a plan for substantial improvement of the economic status of the North. During 2015, the project was completed and a summary report, which includes an analysis of the socioeconomic situation in the north, and recommendations to realize change-generating infrastructure […]
R&D Activity, infrastructures and human resources in the civil space sector: Academy, Industry and education system in Israel
This work was commissioned by the National Space Committee, the National Council for R&D. The objective of this study is to provide data and information to all entities operating in the field of space R&D on their role and the status of personnel and infrastructure at their disposal, in order to help the NCRD formulate […]
Upgrading the economic systems of Israels north
In mid-2014, SNI joined a venture with the Ministry of Economic and Industries, aimed at drafting a plan for substantial improvement of the economic status of the North. During 2015, the project was completed and a summary report, which includes an analysis of the socioeconomic situation in the north, and recommendations to realize change-generating infrastructure […]
Survey to examine difficulties of nano technology transfer from the academy to industry
SNI won a closed tender to perform a study for the Chief Scientist and INNI, designed to examine the difficulties of Nano technology transfer from the academy to implementation in the Israeli industry and to propose possible ways to overcome them. The study was based on structured interviews with stakeholders, survey distribution among researchers of […]
Massive Online Courses – Disruptive Innovation at the Universities?
The object of this study is to investigate and clarify, various aspects related to Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) which have been developed recently. The present state is described, and attempt has been made to evaluate future developments in general, and their effect on higher education in particular. Issues related to economic, social and academic […]
National policy in the area of Construction
National plan in the area of construction intended to leverage the expected huge scale of residential building construction for technological enhancement of the construction industry to improve the productivity, reduce the dependence on foreign workers and develop opportunities for employment of Israelis.
Energy Forum 34: Combined Heat and Power Generation
In electric power generation using high temperatures (typically by burning fuels or by nuclear fission), a large portion of the heat is rejected at a lower temperature. The amount of heat rejected, perceived as ‘waste heat’, is determined by thermodynamic principles and is, among other considerations, dependent on the operating temperature, as will be explained […]