The Higher Education System in Israel – Issues, characteristics and unique Aspects

A broad view on the Israeli system of higher education is described. The development of the Israeli system has been influenced by developments in some other countries. Yet, this system is characterized by some unique aspects, including – education of prominence leaders, unprecedented national contribution, and worldwide research excellence – all these with relatively modest […]
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting and Registration System in Israel: Summary of Reports for 2013

The issue of global climate changes is the subject of worldwide attention, due to its environmental, economic and social implications over both the developed and developing world. The government of Israel recognizes the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (in spite of no formal international commitment to date, as well as the halt in the […]
Israel, by the numbers

According to the statistics, Israel is quite well off, fairly cheerful, healthy, and great place to live and raise children.
High school high-level Physics in the last 4 decades 1975-2014 in Israel: Changes and implications

This position paper presents and analyzes the changes that took place in high-level Physics matriculation exams during the last 40 years: 1975-2014. Section A reviews the changes in the scope and depth of the material included in the matriculation exam. Section B analyzes the changes in the contents on which the matriculation exam focuses and […]
Tax Benefits for R&D in Israel

This research examines the tax incentives system to encourage R&D in the business sector in Israel. The study reviews tax incentive methods used to encourage R&D in the world, and their effectiveness. The work combines theoretical and empirical studies of the impact of various tax incentives on the R&D performed by firms, the number of […]
Ultra-Orthodox (‘Haredi’) Jews in Israel’s Society: A 2014 Status Report.
The issue of the Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) community in Israel and its possible integration with the Israeli society at large has become lately one of the most talked-about in the Knesset committees, Government offices, academic circles, the military, public debates — where not? An interesting question in its own right is why the subject came up […]
The dismal science meets the shrinks

What happens when economics, known for over two centuries as the dismal science, meets psychology, whose practitioners often called “shrinks”? Economics become a whole lot less dismal and a great deal more useful and interesting.
The way to integrate the Haredim
There is no choice. The assumed tolerable status quo must change. Israel must address the integration of Haredim to society in the same way she addressed the mass immigration waves. A strategig decision must be made to establish a coordinating body and harness all the government offices for the operation, while granting the lifestyle and characteristics of the Ultra-Orthodox community, and without trying to change their beliefs.
Atop Mt. Intel

David Perlmutter, who rose to become the most senior Israeli corporate executive, shares his insights on implementing radical innovation at very big companies.
Start-up Nation’s dark side

Israel may top the tables in innovation, but the benefits need to be more widely diffused.