for Progress

Israeli R&D Output: international comparison of scientific publications

תמונת הכריכה של הדוח: תפוקות מחקר ופיתוח בישראל: פרסומים מדעיים בהשוואה בינלאומית

The aim of this research is to analyze the Israeli Outputs of Scientific Research in comparison with selected countries using bibliometrics indices. The project include bibliometric analysis of the Israeli research output and evaluation of its quality and quantity in respect to the main scientific fields of the publications, their institutions and organizations attribution (academy, […]

Summary and Recommendation of the 2nd Water Forum: Water and Agriculture

The subject of the meeting – Water in Agriculture was discussed in two sessions: 1. The management interface between the water sector and agriculture 2. Regulation At the end of the day, a concluding meeting was held with a Panel of experts. Following the Forum meetings, a report summarizing the key issues raised during the Forum including […]

The National Science and Technology Policy of Israel

The article reviews the evolution of Israel’s science and technology R & D policy. This policy is not based on any written document or master plan dictated in advance, but was formed gradually, over decades, at various times and by different people, in the corridors of government and the Knesset, universities and industry, which together […]