for Progress

Energy Forum 16: Smart grid

The development and application of smart electrical grid us one of the “hot” topics in the modern energy market, and is enjoying high priorities and research investments throughout the world. The smart grid delivers electricity from producers to consumers via two-way digital technology, that enables control over appliances at the consumer’s home and machines at […]

Lessons derived from Agriculture and Rural development -applicable for Leveraging Classical Industries

Agriculture in Israel has taken off from producing locally consumed products to the export of innovative products and applications. These include inputs, knowhow, development models and more, all within close international collaboration. Israeli Agriculture has demonstrated that profit can be attained and maximized with small production units – typical of classical industries – enabling overall economic efficiency. […]

The Israeli water Management master plan- management policy of the effluent system in Israel -Summary and recommendation of the SNI 1st water forum

Three main issues were discussed during the one-day seminar, in compliance with the water authority master plan work frames: Effluent quality at the treatment plant exit and the principles of quality policies Grey water and home treatment facilities The future of the SHAFDAN and geographical spread of treatment plants. A summery was extracted to each […]