Whom do we work for?

TOD – Transit Oriented Development Urban Planning around Accessible Rail Transit

An SNI Conference on “TOD (Transit Oriented Development) – Urban Planning Around Accessible Rail Transit, was held on March 9, 2010. The conference was organized by Prof. Daniel Gat (Technion), Dr. Yodan Rofe (Ben Gurion Univ.) and Prof. (emer.) Shlomo Maital (SNI). This volume summarizes the presentations. The opening article by Avi Bar-Eli is reprinted […]
Policy recommendations for treatment of packaging waste in Israel
The purpose of this document, written by the Energy and Environment Team at the Samuel Neaman institute, with support from ‘Kivun’ and the Natural Resource and Environment Research Center at the University of Haifa, is to suggest a comprehensive policy framework for the prevention and treatment of packaging waste in Israel. The policy recommendations are […]
Three Good Things

Innovation in Israel 2010 Implementation of

On 20 June 2010 a third workshop was held on “leveraging innovation to build and strengthen Israel’s cleantech industry” at Tel – Aviv. The workshop lasted four hours and was attended by invitation of about 40 people deeply involved in Israel’s cleantech industry. The workshop had three parts: At the first – the Cleantech Project Leader, […]
Light Bulb Unto the Nations

Higher education policy in Israel – accessibility, quality and excellence with limited resources

This study deals with a broad range of topics related to the higher education system in Israel. It describes past developments, discusses present issues, indicates necessary changes in the future and proposes some policy guidelines. The following main subjects are discussed: Introduction – the higher education system in Israel, global aspects. Higher education accessibility – issues and […]
Housing Bubble? Babel? Or Babble?

The Kibbutz at 100

Energy Forum 18: Solar Air conditioning Systems in Israel

Israel has one of the highest air conditioning users in the world, With over 280 days of sun per year, and air conditioning of public building of over 300 days per year. In light of the experience gained over the years with water heating solar systems, it will be wise to check the technological and […]