for Progress

The quality of Israeli academic institutions: what the wages of graduates tell about it?

Higher education in Israel expanded rapidly in the last ten years with the opening of academic colleges. This study examines the return on education, in terms of salaries, of first degree graduates from colleges compared with that of university graduates, controlling for cognitive abilities and socioeconomic characteristics. The use of Propensity Score Matching shows that […]

Harnessing Success: Determinants of University Technology Licensing Performance STE-WP-35

We study the impact of incentive pay, local development objectives and government constraints on university licensing performance. We develop and test a simple contracting model technology licensing offices, using new survey information combined with panel data on 86 U.S. universities for the period 1995-99. We find that private universities are much more likely to adopt […]


Venture capitalism is a major institutional innovation based on identifying economies of scope in transactions of technological knowledge, bundled with managerial competence, reputation, screening procedures and equity. It has paved the way to the emergence of new surrogate markets for knowledge, i.e. financial markets specialized in trading knowledge-intensive property rights. This development has important benefits […]