Annual Report 2006-2007 Samuel Neaman Institute

The Annual report for 2006-2007 summarizes the Samuel Neaman Institute’s activities for this year in a wide range of subjects
Space Technology, Patterns of Warfare and Force Build-up: Between a Power and a Small State
This article concentrates on the question of how the expansion into space, which was part of the information and space technology revolution, affected patterns of warfare and concomitantly affected force build-up in the US and Israeli military forces . It will describe and analyze the influence of space technologies on the changes that have occurred […]
Energy Forum 8: Demand Side Management

The eighth thematic meeting of the Energy Forum was devoted to the subject of Demand Side Management (DSM). The meeting was held at the Samuel Neaman Institute at the Technion on December, 2007. Experts on the subject, from industry, academia, governmental departments and the public sector participated. The Forum participants were selected with great care […]
Terror and the Costs of Crime

This paper argues that terrorism, beyond its immediate impact on innocent victims, also raises the costs of crime, and therefore, imposes a negative externality on potential criminals. Terrorism raises the costs of crime through two channels: (i) by increasing the presence and activity of the police force, and (ii) causing more people to stay at […]
Between technology development and public transparency: creating tools for public discussion on business ventures and technological alternatives for treating solid waste

In order to promote and implement a sustainable waste management in Israel there is a need to develop tools for common knowledge and language for all stakeholders. Therefore, this project includes: Coordinating an operational team comprised of professionals and interested parties from the various related sectors. Evaluation of the various technological options according to cost/benefit […]
Privatization in Higher Education

The private higher education sector has emerged gradually in recent years. This evolution occurred alongside the rapid growth in the demand for academic studies and degrees. Public support for higher education has severely declined in the last two decades due to mass expansion and soaring expense resulting in rapid growth in private higher education in […]
Human Resources for Science and Technology in Israel

A prosperous economy and high quality of life require technological innovation. This is especially relevant in the case of Israel which lacks natural resources. The foundation for creating a scientific and technological knowledge basis lies in the development of a human capital. The European Union estimates that by the year 2010 it will need some […]
Science , Technology and Innovation Indicators in Israel: An International Comparison (second edition)
Lacking natural resources, size and proximity to markets, the state of Israel must rely on scientific and technological know-how for its survival and prosperity. Israel’s economic achievements, especially in high-tech sectors, were enabled through a 40-years long various directed government policy measures aimed at fostering scientific and technological progress, and nurturing highly skilled workforce and […]
Energy Forum 7: Biofuels for energy

The seventh thematic meeting of the Energy Forum was devoted to the subject of Biofuels R&D in Israel. The meeting was held at the Samuel Neaman Institute at the Technion on October, 2007. Experts on the subject, from industry, academia, governmental departments and the public sector participated. The Forum participants were selected with great care […]
Establishment of R&D Anti-Terror Warfare Mechanism for Homeland Security Protection from Terrorism

The number of dangers on the Israel Home Front is extremely high. We can never avert every possible terror threat, yet, while different types of threats disappear, new threats are popping up and terrorists keep changing their methods and systems relentlessly in order to achieve their goals. Therefore, the State of Israel must have a […]