The Jewish People Today: Between Necessity and Freedom
This essay is dedicated to dealing with two basic questions: the first focuses on the swift changes that have occurred in our time in the status of the nation and its state – from one of necessity to one of liberty, from determinism to voluntarism, from enforced identity to chosen identity – and the expected ramifications upon […]
Comments on National Governance
This paper focuses on the various issues that interfere with the course of public life. The dispute over the future of the “territories” engulfs into it nearly all other issues relating to our public experience, including questions of religion and state, as well as our attitude towards the Arab minority. The IDF has been transformed, […]
The Necessity of Strategic Thinking: A Constitutive Vision for Israel and its Implications
This paper positions long-term aims for the State, which will facilitate a fitting balance between social cohesion and involvement in the national endeavor, on one hand, and dissension and multiplicity of opinions, on the other. Gavizon therefore deviates from the more widespread efforts to blur basic goals in order to attain accord regarding short-term policies. […]
Modern Jewish Identities and the State of Israel
Is it possible to produce a significant attitude, in which the multiplicity of identities in the State of Israel will be productive and fertile, rather than one that necessarily fosters tension and destructive inner conflict within the state? This question stands at the heart of this article, which argues that the State of Israel is […]
The Dye Famine and its Aftermath: Knowledge Diffusion and Entry STE-WP-32
Energy Forum 1: Electricity from Photovoltaic Systems
The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Research in Science and Technology, within the framework of its activity in the energy field, conducts meetings of the Energy Forum, devoted to discussions and debate over energy related issues of national importace. The Energy Forum holds focused discussions regarding specified themes, and teams of subject-matter experts are invited […]
Redefining Engineering Disciplines for the 21st Century
In the first quarter of the 20th Century engineering education underwent a revolutionary change as a result of the penetration of the exact sciences into the curriculum. Consequently, instead of teaching current technologies, engineering schools began teaching all-embracing fundamental principles of the engineering sciences that can cope with the quickly changing technologies. But, in the […]
Report PRIME ENIP Project Indices Data Scienc Technology Israel
This report was published as part of the project “European Network for Indicator Producers, PRIME-ENIP”. Its purpose is to establish a network of indicator producers in the fields of science and technology, based on the experience of recognized institutions, laboratories, research groups and indicator producers, in order to develop the ability and knowledge of providing […]
Air pollution in Haifa Bay – Status and recommendations
During 2006, the Environmental Protection Minister Gideon Ezra has initiated the establishment of a professional team to assess air pollution in Haifa Bay and its possible impacts on public health. The Neaman Institute for Advanced Research in Science and Technology has undertaken to coordinate the activities of the team, headed by Prof. Yoram Avnimelech, who […]
Tuition Fees in Higher Education in Israel
Higher education policy in Israel did not conceder tuition fee as a major factor for developing Strategic policy for higher education. This paper analyses the main factors of tuition fee in Israel and suggests some recommendations for the future.