Sustainable Energy Market in Israel
This document describes comprehensively and in detail the energy sector in Israel. Continuing with a “business as usual†approach to fossil fuel use can lead to a catastrophe of global proportions. The price that we, as a society, actually pay for energy is significantly higher than the amount that appears in our monthly bills, because […]
The global Environmental Market – An Economic Opportunity for Israel Primary model to assess the costs and benefits of governmental investment in the field of environmental technologies
Israel can and should play a viable role in the global market for environmental technologies. The role of the government should include not only direct financing of this sector, but also help in marketing, “door opening” and governmental insurance. The basic assumption of the model is that by using the governmental aid, the odds of […]
Sustainable Agriculture. How may the external values of agriculture be integrated as part of the farmer’s income, in the different areas of Israel

Agriculture takes a relatively marginal place in Israel’s economy today. The future of agriculture demands public intervention, and care. The need for sustaining agriculture is due to its external contribution, beyond its function in the production of food and fibers: aesthetical contributions in generating open green spaces; social contributions- values of the contact between Man […]