The Triad Research University Model or a Post 20th Century Research University Model, University Education and Human Resources

In this paper a model for the future research university is proposed, which answers some of the key challenges facing universities. It consists of three independent yet closely knitted entities: a research institute, a university teaching college and a business unit creating a “triad” structure. The possible inevitability, the advantages and disadvantages of the model […]
Preliminary Reflections on Knotty Issues, University Education and Human Resources

On Mass Higher Education and Institutional Diversity, University Education and Human Resources

It is an honor and pleasure to have been asked to speak to this conference, organized by Neal Sherman and the Israel-American Fulbright committee. I have had long and close ties with Israel, and I am delighted to have a chance to talk with you about your institutions of higher education in this way. It […]
The Golden Age of Scientific Technological Research University

The current crisis in the classical research university scene, the on-going fusion of science and technology which is driving a new scientific-technological revolution, the changing rationale of research funding, and the need of advanced nations to develop competitive, knowledge-based economies, have set the stage for a potential ‘golden age’ for Scientific Technological Research Universities (S&TRU). […]
Energy conservation in Buildings at the Technion Campus

The current research “Energy conservation in buildings at the Technion campus” is part of various activities undertaken lately by Technion with the aim of reducing the impacts on the environment and improving energy conservation within the campus. Technion has also recognized recently the need for providing improved internal conditions in the newly erected buildings, while […]
Survey of medical school graduates in Israel 1981-2000

The medical profession is undergoing major changes – it has become a multidisciplinary occupation requiring a wide variety of new skills in “cutting edge” of biomedical research and advanced techniques, as well as expertise in healthcare economies, management and proficiency in ethics and legal issues. Based on the growing importance of biomedical research and life […]
The Current Energy Situation in Israel as a Departure Point for Future Planning

This report presents data on energy consumption in Israel, the principle structure of the energy economy and the activities in this economy in recent years. The object is to focus the problems arising from managing the energy economy here and the need to formulate a long range energy policy, according to agreed objectives, with the […]
Annual Report 2002-2003 Samuel Neaman Institute

The Annual report for 2002-2003 summarizes the Samuel Neaman Institute’s activities for this year in a wide range of subjects
Users Involvement in R&D Consortia: Israel as a Showcase

Consortia, and in particular R&D consortia, are one of the clustering forms used to bring together various relevant parties, in order to foster innovation and economic growth. Consortia have been, and still are, widely mobilized in different geographical (international, national, regional) and thematic areas by private or public operators. Often, their design restricts the participation […]
Analysis and Policy Recommendations for Technology Transfer from Universities to Industry. Final Report

This research was supported by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport. Science and technology are linked to each other and contribute to innovation processes which serve as an important source for economic progress and growth. The link between science (academia) and technology (industry) includes, among others, […]