Increasing Productivity in R&D
The enormous development of high-tech areas during the last decade created an opportunity for many original developments and improvements of existing products. Most of the products are innovative, are based on advanced technology and require large investments in the R&D process. Market demands dictate efficient and fast development. An inefficient or slow development of a […]
Use of Alternative Energy Sources in Light of the Persian Gulf Crisis
Scientific lectures at popular level on the subject of Alternative Energy sources specifically in Israel. The lectures cover most alternative energy sources and the lectures are proposed for decision makers in the civil and economic sector.
The Aeronautic Infrastructure in Arab Countries
The report presents the development of aeronautical infrastructure in the Arab countries. First an overview of the aeronautical industry and research institutes in Arab countries is presented. It includes various industries, products, history of the organizations and if available also future planes. The aeronautical relations with other countries are discussed, especially in connection with future […]
An Examination of the Wage System of Technion Professors – Current Problems and Solutions
The salaries of about 90% of the wage earners in Israel are set through collective bargaining. About 90% of these wage earners are represented by one labor union – The General Federation of Workers (Histadrut). Salaries at the Technion, like in all the public sector are set through collective bargaining. The union that represents all […]
Absorption of Soviet Immigrants at the Technion
This report describes the Technion’s activities in absorbing immigrant students, scientists, research engineers, the Centre for Pre-University Studies, special courses carried out by the Samuel Neaman Institute, the Division of Continuing Education and External Studies and the entrepreneurial projects already in progress. The report was prepared by the Samuel Neaman Institute, following its pioneering effort […]
The Plastics Industry in Israel – Status Report
Israel’s future, security and prosperity depend on economic independence. Israel’s industry, especially the export industry, must be the central and decisive driving force toward economic independence. Industry can show some impressive achievements, but more significant growth is needed to reach economic independence. The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology began a […]
The Plastics Industry in Israel – Current Economic Status and Future Alternate Economic Outlook
This study is part of an investigation carried out by the Samuel Neaman Institute on the future Alternatives of the Plastics and Polymers industries in Israel. A previous study “The Polymer Industry in Israel and the World” was prepared by H.D. Frenkel, and was published by the Samuel Neaman Institute in November 1990. The objective […]
Applications and Development Trends in Plastics for Packaging, Agriculture and Construction
Israel’s future, security and prosperity depend on economic independence. Israel’s industry, especially the export industry, must be the central and decisive driving force toward economic independence. Industry can show some impressive achievements, but more significant growth is needed to reach economic independence. The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology began a […]
The Electronics Industry in the World and in Israel – Economic Directions and Future Trends
The present report was prepared as a first step of the Samuel Neaman Institute’s preparations for the “Electronics 2000” program. The report presents a timetable for those preparations as well as a review of facts about the situation and the development of the electronic industries in the world and Israel. A review of subjects dealing […]
Principles and Systems for Planning of Human Resources in Research and Technology in the OECD Countries, and Lessons for Israel
The aim of manpower planning is to ensure efficient use of human resources in a certain country or economic branch, or in a certain company from the point of view of both economic and social development. Opinions differ as to the need for manpower planning and even among those who believe that manpower planning is […]