for Progress

Report PRIME ENIP Project Indices Data Scienc Technology Israel

Daphne Getz, Marian Shumaf - Tehawkho, Orly Nathan
Report /
January 2006




Getz, D., Tehawkho, M. S. -., & Nathan, O. (2006). Report PRIME ENIP Project Indices Data Scienc Technology Israel. Samuel Neaman Institute.

This report was published as part of the project “European Network for Indicator Producers, PRIME-ENIP”. Its purpose is to establish a network of indicator producers in the fields of science and technology, based on the experience of recognized institutions, laboratories, research groups and indicator producers, in order to develop the ability and knowledge of providing new interpretations to existing indicators, and in order to develop and research new indicators.

The report includes: a description of the R&D system in each country; a list of databases and information relevant to the signatories of science and technology and their availability for use and research; a description of the producer system of the indicators for the fields of science and technology, and a brief description of the producers themselves.

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