for Progress

R&D outputs in Israel Inventive Characteristics of Start-ups

Eran Leck, Daphne Getz, Ilia Zatcovetsky
Report /
January 2019




Leck, E., Getz, D., & Zatcovetsky, I. (2019). R&D outputs in Israel Inventive Characteristics of Start-ups. Samuel Neaman Institute.

The report focuses on the inventive activity of Israeli start-up companies. In the framework of the project, data on 9778 Israeli start-up companies, established between 2002 and 2015 was collected from the IVC database and was consolidated with patent data originating from the EPO- PATSTAT database.  The report presents updated statistics on the inventive activity of Israeli inventors and applicants. This includes: Analysis of patent applications in the PCT track;  Analysis of inventive activity by leading assignees; Distribution of inventive activity by sectors and technological fields and an analysis of the globalization aspects of inventive activity. The analysis of the inventive activity of Israeli start-up companies includes: Description of the activity over time;  Distribution of patent applications by the firm’s main field of activity and the technological classification of the patent; Geographical distribution of distinct inventions (patent families) of start-up companies; and an analysis of the relationship between exits and the firms’ life cycle stage on the one hand and their inventive output on the other hand.

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