March 2005
Evolutionary Innovation and High Tech Policy: What can we Learn from Israel’s Targeting of Venture Capital STE-WP-25
Morris Teubal, Gil Avnimelech
January 2005
Firm Growth Profiles (FGPs): Towards an Action-Based View of Firm Development STE-WP-24
Jonathan Menuhin, Niron Hashai
November 2004
Can Venture Capital Funds Pick Winners? Evidence from Pre-IPO Survival Rates and Post-IPO Performance STE-WP-23
Hedva Bar, Yishay Yafeh
September 2004
Immigrants in the Hi-Tech Sector: Comparison to Natives and the Effect of Training STE-WP-22-2004
Sarit Cohen Goldner, Zvi Eckstein
September 2002
The Impact of R&D Spillover on Growth and Productivity in Israeli Manufacturing Industries 1990-1994, Science, Technology and the Economy Program (STE) – Working Papers Series STE-WP-14
Arie Bregman, SimchaBar-Eliezer
August 2002
Universal Banking and Investment in R&D Intensive Companies an Empirical Analysis STE-WP-15 , 2002
Aharon Shaket
May 2002
Incentives and Invention in Universities, Science, Technology and the Economy Program (STE) – Working Papers Series STE-WP-18-2003
Saul Lach, Mark Schankerman