July 2013
Clean Energy Innovation Policy in Israel: Identifying Fundamental Principles through a Case Study of Smart Grid Policy
Elad Shaviv, Mark E Caine, Gershon Grossman
June 2013
Energy Forum 28: Sustainable Road Transportation: Energy and Environmental Aspects
Gershon Grossman, Yaara Grinberg
May 2013
Predictions for human resources in science and technology :Models and Indicators
Daphne Getz, Tsipy Buchnik, Bella Zalmanovich, Noa Zemer-Batsir
May 2013
Policy on Levering Stem Cell Research through Intellectual Property
Daphne Getz, Niva Elkin-Koren, Bahina Eidelman, Miriam Asotsky, Bella Zalmanovich, Yair Even-Zohar, Yael Bergman-Eshet, Sharon Bar-Ziv, Talya Ponchek, Dalit Sagiv