for Progress

The Center for Industrial Excellence was established in 2011 and its objective is to promote a national industrial policy. The Center helps formulate and promote a proactive policy of industrial excellence, intended to sustain a balanced and high-quality national industry that maintains a healthy life cycle, which is tested by its global competitive advantage and quality employment of all sectors of society. The Center for Industrial Excellence is also following the executions of the Israel 2028 Vision major recommendations.


The Center focused on the following projects:



The CIE will focus on identifying opportunities offered by specific technologies and industries in the context of global business trends, while pinpointing the obstacles to healthy growth. With input from representatives from government, industry and the academia, the CIE will formulate industrial policies that:  

  1. Balance between hi-tech, traditional, mature and new, emerging industries, while narrowing economic inequality and enhancing equal opportunities in the Israeli employment market.
  2. Leverage technological innovation in promising fields, including, for example:
  • Nanotechnology-related research
  • Biotechnology and life sciences
  • Cleantech and related fields
  • Commercial, civil space technologies
  • Local, natural gas-based organic and petrochemical industries.
  1. Preserve and increase the presence of multinational companies in Israel (for both R&D and as well as manufacturing).
  2. Encourage the forming of large new industries, balancing the present trend of early ‘exits’.
  3. Develop strategies to promote and manage collaborations and export with Far Eastern countries (India and China in particular) and emerging markets, while retaining locally developed intellectual property.
  4. Increase effective cooperation between industry and the academia.
  5. Develop suitable indicators for measuring success.

Preparing the Policy Foundations – CIE Startup projects: 

  • Mapping the Israeli industrial and service landscape. 
  • Identifying those segments that are suitable for targeted intervention, and bringing them to the attention of policy makers. 
  • Benchmarking Israeli industries versus similar segments in developed countries.
  • Developing collaborative programs with other entities with similar goals in Israel and abroad.
  • Adopting proven methods of industrial excellence: The Standards Institute of Israel is in the final stages of reaching an agreement with the EFQM Office in Brussels that will allow Israeli industries to participate in a world class forum dedicated to promoting sustainable industrial excellence. The CIE is actively supporting this initiative. 

Documents produced in the project’s framework (Hebrew) :

  1. The Draft Summary Report- Recommendations of the committee for empowering classical industries
  2. Industrial Ecosystem of Large Israeli Industrial Companies- Case Study– Prof. Shlomo Maital, Dr. Gilead Fortuna, Giora Shalgi
  3. Formatting Organizational Excellence- Rafael– Giora Shalgi
  4. Exemplary Organizatios Project- goals, background and status– Giora Shalgi
  5. Robotics Project- An Impression Summary– Giora Shalgi
  6. Ziv Av Engineering model– Giora Shalgi